The Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo (FUHSO) is Nigeria's first dedicated Federal University of Health Sciences, established on 7th June 2019, with its Governing Council and Principal Officers appointed on 12th May 2020. The Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo aspires to be a globally recognized leader in health sciences education, research, and innovation. Vision: To be a world-class institution for learning, scientific research, and innovation, producing the next generation of healthcare professionals. Mission: To train highly skilled medical and allied health professionals through integrated education, professional skill development, and research, providing access to high-quality healthcare services.
The Governing Council of Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo, announces that the position of Vice Chancellor of the University is now vacant and hereby invites applications from suitably qualified candidates with experience in university teaching and administration of not less than fifteen (15) years to fill the position below:
Job Title: Vice-Chancellor
Location: Otukpo, Benue
The Job
The Vice-Chancellor is the Chief Accounting and Academic Officer of the University, ex-officio member of Council and Chairman of the Senate and Congregation. Among his/her other functions, the Vice Chancellor shall:
At all times advise the Council on any matter affecting the finance, and administration of the University;
Be responsible to the Council for maintaining peace, order and efficient management of the affairs of the university and ensuring the enforcement of the laws, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University;
Be responsible to Council for discipline in the University;
Regulate the admission of students subject to the guidelines and procedures approved by the University Senate and other statutory organs of the University.
Qualities and Qualifications
An applicant for the post of Vice-Chancellor of the University must possess the following qualities and qualifications:
Be a university lecturer of the rank of Professor, attained for at least 10 years in any field of health sciences in highly regarded and reputable institutions;
Be a person of high academic standing and reputation in his/her respective discipline;
Must be familiar and conversant with developmental, academic and other complex managerial problems of a large university;
Have extensive and deep experience in all facets of university administration;
Have been a Head of Academic Department or Dean of Faculty or Provost of College or Deputy Vice-Chancellor or member of Governing Council of a University
Unbroken service in the academia in the last ten (10) years;
Possess Medical Fellowship or PhD degree in a relevant field, preferably in a health sciences discipline;
Provide evidence of successful supervision of postgraduate students especially at the Ph. D or Medical Fellowship level;
Provide in not more than one thousand (1000) words, his/her vision for the University;
Be a person who commands respect nationally and internationally, especially in academic circles;
Be an individual who, judging from his/her track record, should command respect and loyalty of members of staff and students of the University;
Be morally sound and of unimpeachable character, probity and integrity
Be a person who is physically and mentally fit, and in a state of good health
Be not more than 65 years old at the time of assumption of office.
Conditions of Service
The remuneration and conditions of service are as applicable to posts of Vice-Chancellor in all Nigerian Federal Universities, and as determined by the Government from time to time.
Application Closing Date
7th April, 2025.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward fifteen (15) copies of their typed applications, detailed Curriculum Vitae and photocopies of credentials duly signed and dated. The Curriculum Vitae should at least, include these details:
Name (Surname First)
Date and Place of Birth, Nationality
Marital Status
Current and Permanent Home Address
Educational Institutions Attended (and Qualifications) with Dates
Working Experience
Present Post and Salary.
The applications should bear "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF VICE-CHANCELLOR" and submitted under confidential cover directly to: The Vice-Chancellor,
Federal University of Health Sciences, Otukpo (FUHSO),
P.M.B 145,
Otukpo, Benue State.
Candidates should request their referees to send the confidential reports in a sealed envelope marked Post of VICE-CHANCELLOR: "Referees Report" at the top left hand corner of the envelope and sent to the address above.
Candidates should also include the names and addresses of three (3) referees who must be in a position to attest to the applicant's character, professional and administrative abilities.
Applications and referees report should reach the Vice-Chancellor before the deadline.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for the selection interview.