African Development Bank Group (AfDB) - Established in 1964, the African Development Bank is the premier pan-African development institution, promoting economic growth and social progress across the continent. There are 80 member states, including 54 in Africa (Regional Member Countries). The Bank’s development agenda is delivering the financial and technical support for transformative projects that will significantly reduce poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
Location: CCIA in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (and work from here during the whole consultancy period)
Department issuing the request: General Secretariat PSEG.1
Job family: Other
Duration of the assignment: 12 months
Tentative date of commencement: 1 September 2023
Brief description of the Assignment
Coverage of Meetings:
The consultants shall be required to cover the meetings of the Boards of Governors, Boards of Directors, Committees of the Boards of Governors and Boards of Directors, informal meetings of the Boards of Directors and any other Bank Group sponsored meetings organized at and/or outside the Headquarters Location deemed to be covered by PSEG1.
Preparation of Reports:
The consultants shall be required to prepare reports on meetings covered. These include:
Official Record of the Boards of Governors during Bank Group Annual Meetings
Reports of the Subsidiary Organs of the Boards of Governors
Highlights of Board meetings
Flash Reports of Board Committee meetings
Full Reports of Committee meetings. Short reports on informal meetings, highlighting the main conclusions reached will also be required for submission to the President for information.
It should be noted that Highlights of Board meetings and Flash Reports of Committee meetings should be ready forty-eight (48) hours after the meetings.
The first draft of the detailed Committee Report should be ready within a maximum period of ten (10) days after the meeting, on the understanding that the final text would be ready in the two working languages of the Bank, for circulation to Board members within two to three weeks.
Follow-Up of Draft Reports:
The consultantsshall follow-up on the processing of their reports through the various stages of content clearance at the levels of the Department, senior Management and Committee Chairs.
He/She shall also follow-up the translation process with colleagues and harmonize the two versions (original and translated texts).
Circulation of the Final Drafts of Highlights and Reports:
The consultants shall circulate, after the Secretary General’s signature, the final drafts of Highlights and Committee Reports to Board members in the Bank’s 2 working languages and in both hard and electronic copies, for approval on a lapse-of-time basis.
Translation Assignments:
Reports and Highlights shall be translated within the Conference Analyst Section and Consultants shall be entrusted with translation assignments on a regular basis.
Administration / Reporting:
The consultants shall report directly to the Head of the Board Affairs Advisory Services / Conference Analysts Section, PSEG1, and work under his/her supervision.
Qualifications and Experience Required
At least a Master’s Degree or its equivalent in Linguistics, Journalism, Communication, Macro-Economics, International Relations, Development Studies, Finance, Social Science and other related disciplines;
Strong and proven translation skills;
Preferably, a minimum of (7) years of relevant professional experience with sound analytical aptitudes.
Application Closing Date
20th July, 2023 (17:00 GMT).
Method of Application
Interested and qualified consultants should submit their Applications to: S.PETERS@AFDB.ORG and: J.NIAMKE-FRAM@AFDB.ORG using "EOI - Long-term Individual Consultant - Conference Analyst (PSEG)" as the subject of the mail.