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Nigerian Airforce Recruitment 2012 For Airmen / Airwomen

Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 - --- (204 comments)

The Nigerian Airforce Application for Nigeria Air Force Airmen / Airwomen Recruitment Exercise (BMTC 2012) (For SSCE/NECO/GCE/ND Applicants). Copied from:



1.) Interested candidates are advised to apply onlineat:
2.) Applicants are to complete forms online and make payment at the following designed banks
  • United Bank for Africa (UBA)
  • Sterling Bank
  • Intercontinental Bank
3a.) Applicants should print out the following underlisted documents after payment of application fee at designed banks:
  • Local Government Attestation form
  • Parent/Guardian consent form
  • Acknowledgement form     
3b.) Applicants are to note that applications submitted online without payment of application fee at the above mentioned bank will not be validated for processing. Copied from:
  • The minimum qualifications for interested applicants are SSCE/NECO/GCE/ND.
  • Applicants applying as non-tradesmen and women must be between 17 – 22 years of age by 31 December 2012 and must possess SSCE/NECO/GCE. 
  • Applicants applying as tradesmen and women must be between 17 and 24 years of age by 31 December 2012 and must possess ND or any relevant trade certificates from reputable and approved government institutions/organizations. 
  • Those who will be older than 22 and 24 years for non tradesmen respectively by 31st December 2012 need not apply. 
  • Applicants with University Diplomas are not qualified to apply as tradesmen and women.
  • Male applicants must not be less than 1.68 meters tall while female applicants must not be less than 1.65 meters tall.   
Zonal Enlistment Exercise will hold from 9 - 16 Feb 2012. 
For further information see the instruction page on the website or call the following support lines:
09-870 4817, 09-870 8475 and 08078406568 or
e-mail: [email protected]
Applicants Are To Read The Guidelines Online Carefully
Online Registration Starts On: 5th December 2011

Closes On: 23 January 2011
JC Ifemeje
Air Vice Marshall
For Chief of the Air Staff
Click here to start application process


Comments (204)

No. 1
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 06:41:18 GMT by Chisom Sophia

Nigeria and their job opportunities with conditions and all that. Qualifications, age, height, size and blah blah blah. Na wa.
No. 2
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 07:15:49 GMT by eziedi rita olufunmilayo

Myname is eziedi rita I'm a native of delta state myhome town is kwale and I stay in lagos wit myparents I'm d frist child,I will like too apply for d post has a receptionist in d nigerian Airforce .I will also like to be one of d student if d application has nt exprise
No. 3
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 08:12:02 GMT by Cosmas

When will extorting money 4rm poor unemployed with d job opportunity which has even been alotted 2 d previledged (even b4 it was posted) stop in Nigeria. D most painful aspect of it is dat, dis is always common wit Govt. agencies, ministries, n parastatals (NAFDAC, FRSC, AIR FORCE, name them). Where will d help of poor unemployed come 4rm, since even dia little hard earned peanuts are been extort 4rm them by d Govt. via dia useless job opportunity posting like dis one. How reasonable is it 2 ask d poor unemployed 2 pay some money b4 s/he gets job. Where would s/he get such money. It is indirectly forcing s/he 2 go n steal. God help us all.
No. 4
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 09:15:41 GMT by LUKMAN TUNJI

This is just a sign that we have no govt in this country. i regard this as an extortion from the poor. school leaver/graduate who leave sch in search of job, collecting money from them in d name of employment is a shame to the nation. God will punish them for this... this is one issue senators shld address...
No. 5
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 10:34:05 GMT by aluyi

1 shld not be suprised by d extorting of money frm d poor jst 4 d sake of givin dem has been on ever since nd it will not stop until we all stand up to fight but,who will wen he/she has nt eaten in a day.the govt is jst der doin notin abt it nd yet dey say all dey do is 4 d masses of nigeria.may d brimstone nd fire dat fell on sodom nd gomorah fall on dem all till dey all perish,mschew.
No. 6
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 10:50:40 GMT by Kruma

God purnish every leader dat's bring sorrow 2 d poor. I hope i've not mention any name. Nonesense! So there's nothing 2 enjoy in dis country,en?
No. 7
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 11:17:18 GMT by joy

When will Nigerian government stand up yo their responsiblities in this country. A country were the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Even after paying the money you will not get the job because they have given it out to the first citizen of the country
No. 8
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 12:03:43 GMT by M. A YA'U

When will Nigerian government stand up yo their responsiblities in this country. A country were the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Even after paying the money you will not get the job because they have given it out to the first citizen of the country
No. 9
Posted on Wed 23rd Nov, 2011 20:44:43 GMT by Folorunso Akinyemi

Fine for sighting this Job on d net! But the painful part of the whole story is that! Are u sure u av not distributed all the required slots among the high ranking officers in Nigeria? Cos D less priveledge who wasted money, energy and what have u have no faith at d end of the day but if u know that u are going to be sincere in the selection, How much is the form so that some useless nigerian wil not b using this avenue to extort money from these needy people. Remember, that, u will die one day, Give the less priveledge absolute Hope!
No. 10
Posted on Thu 24th Nov, 2011 08:36:13 GMT by Ndifreke inyang

Diz is absolute rubbish,after paying d moni,hw r we sure we will get d job wit all diz criteria?i regret 2b a nigerian
No. 11
Posted on Thu 24th Nov, 2011 09:55:34 GMT by Olumide

God go purnish all our leaders in position of authority exploiting us.Dey wil nt leave 2 tel d story by d time Allah finishes with dem
No. 12
Posted on Thu 24th Nov, 2011 10:45:27 GMT by akapo ibukun T

No. 13
Posted on Thu 24th Nov, 2011 12:05:25 GMT by danyson

God in heaven will surelly punish those estorting money from poor people of this country. Our leader are shameless leaders. they cannot even provide jobs without conditions and stealling, looting. How they are blaming those arm robbers in the street..

God punish nigerian leaders wherever they are. it is better you don't give job than to steal in the name of given jobs.
No. 14
Posted on Fri 25th Nov, 2011 13:39:18 GMT by Elizabeth

U no what guys i realy do agree with u all imagine u call all d fone numbers attachd 4 d online registration, is either not existing,incorrect or nt available.I beg were are we heading 2 in our noble country called "NIGERIA".GOD HELP US ALL.
No. 15
Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2011 09:19:11 GMT by C.M.C

No wicked shall go unpunished. Continue to extort money from the poor masses. Nigerian leaders know it that U cannot live forever, and u should be careful for something that happened to pharoah of Egypt not happen to U. I want U to know that U must give account of what U have done, if care is nt taken, it will come now U are alive & after Ur demise.
I am optmistic that God will surely see the poor through.
No. 16
Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2011 09:48:57 GMT by Oyedele Tola

Fine for sighting this Job on d net! But the painful
part of the whole story is that! Are u sure u av not
distributed all the required slots among the high
ranking officers in Nigeria? Cos D less priveledge
who wasted money, energy and what have u have no
faith at d end of the day but if u know that u are
going to be sincere in the selection, How much is the
form so that some useless nigerian wil not b using
this avenue to extort money from these needy
people. Remember, that, u will die one day, Give the
less priveledge absolute Hope!
No. 17
Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2011 19:28:11 GMT by Orikoha obuzor obiri

Yes, it is true that things ar tonning upsiddown n ds our country nigeria/gov, but al am saying is that God should help our gov 2a new chang & d gov of airforce 2gv u d oportunity to hv ds job becouse ds 2011 is d 5th times i hv bn aplying on ds airforce pls ds gov should help us bcus i want 2serve &2save our country God bles d JC if emeje air vice marshall for chief of d air staff in jesus name pls u gov should m am interested 2aplied again d time am 4rom rivers state in onelga local gov d only son
No. 18
Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2011 19:28:11 GMT by Orikoha obuzor obiri

Yes, it is true that things ar tonning upsiddown n ds our country nigeria/gov, but al am saying is that God should help our gov 2a new chang & d gov of airforce 2gv u d oportunity to hv ds job becouse ds 2011 is d 5th times i hv bn aplying on ds airforce pls ds gov should help us bcus i want 2serve &2save our country God bles d JC if emeje air vice marshall for chief of d air staff in jesus name pls u gov should m am interested 2aplied again d time am 4rom rivers state in onelga local gov d only son
No. 19
Posted on Mon 28th Nov, 2011 14:30:48 GMT by patiencemoses

my name is patiencemoses,i'm a native of nassarawa state,my home towe is nassarawa eggon and i stay in abuja i work at arikair line,i will like to apply for d post has a receptionist in d nigeria airforce.i will also like to be one of d student if d application has exprise.
No. 20
Posted on Mon 28th Nov, 2011 15:35:14 GMT by Fagade muktar omotayo

Hello my dear mr/mis pls am looking 4 job pls i wil like 2 write application 2 u sir pls consider me pls may god help all of us i which my self best of lock
No. 21
Posted on Tue 29th Nov, 2011 08:57:27 GMT by Oluwatosin Femi J

A civil Engineering OND,can I apply?
No. 22
Posted on Tue 29th Nov, 2011 14:07:46 GMT by felix obiunu

sir,pls give me guide line and procedures on how to apply in the nigerianairforce
No. 23
Posted on Tue 29th Nov, 2011 18:02:07 GMT by jiddah

how much is the bank fee we are paying
No. 24
Posted on Wed 30th Nov, 2011 16:24:46 GMT by Richard Yusuf Msheliza

I Prayer that may Almighty God help me to be part of Nigerian Airforce in Jesus' name I Prayer Amen! I will apply for it and I will get it in Jesus' name. May Almighty God help us as Airforce, Nigeria will change by His grace.
Am Good to Go Sir
No. 25
Posted on Wed 30th Nov, 2011 19:07:09 GMT by E-LHASSAN

I don't understand you people start advertising on Nigeria Airforce which has not commence yet. why?
No. 26
Posted on Thu 01st Dec, 2011 09:34:33 GMT by olomina uche

my aspiration is to my god almighty ,to provide my with all it takes too become a successfull candidate to the air force.Because in his name all thinks are possible ooooooooooooooo.
No. 27
Posted on Fri 02nd Dec, 2011 09:27:12 GMT by kaycy

Firstly i will say u people are doing a good job. I suggest that the Airforce should try and increase the slots per state to give room for more candidate for the recruitment excercise. Thanks
No. 28
Posted on Sat 03rd Dec, 2011 20:58:25 GMT by busayo

Plz,how much is d form
No. 29
Posted on Sun 04th Dec, 2011 22:55:47 GMT by IB WAHEED

Why naija leader dey are so behavie like ds? U we advert d jod and u we share d slot among of u. And u can jst trobu we people are poor like ds. And extorting our money. Oh our leader better remember tomorrow wt 2day. So dat u we able 2 behavie well. What cos dis? I IBRAHIM WAHEED personaly have applyed 4 ds force like 4tms & other jobs in ds our naija and spend money with it. And with good qualification. And with all have nothing am strogu 2 apply.shortly.
No. 30
Posted on Sun 04th Dec, 2011 22:57:11 GMT by IB WAHEED

Why naija leader dey are so behavie like ds? U we advert d jod and u we share d needed slot among. And u can jst trobu we people are poor like ds. And extorting our money. Oh our leader better remember tomorrow wt 2day. So dat u we able 2 behavie well. What cos dis? I IBRAHIM WAHEED personaly have applyed 4 ds force like 4tms & other jobs in ds our naija and spend money with it. And with good qualification. And with all have nothing am strogu 2 apply.shortly.
No. 31
Posted on Sun 04th Dec, 2011 23:01:11 GMT by IB WAHEED

Why naija leader dey are so behavie like ds? U we advert d jod and u we share d needed slot among. And u can jst trobu we people are poor like ds. And extorting our money. Oh our leader better remember tomorrow wt 2day. So dat u we able 2 behavie well. What cos dis? I IBRAHIM WAHEED personaly have applyed 4 ds force like 4tms & other jobs in ds our naija and spend money with it. And with good qualification. And with all have nothing am strogu 2 apply.shortly.
No. 32
Posted on Sun 04th Dec, 2011 23:09:18 GMT by IB WAHEED

Why naija leader dey are so behavie like ds? U we advert d jod and u we share d needed slot among. And u can jst trobu we people are poor like ds. And extorting our money. Oh our leader better remember tomorrow wt 2day. So dat u we able 2 behavie well. What cos dis? I IBRAHIM WAHEED personaly have applyed 4 ds force like 4tms & other jobs in ds our naija and spend money with it. And with good qualification. And with all have nothing am strogu 2 apply.shortly.
No. 33
Posted on Sun 04th Dec, 2011 23:13:16 GMT by IB WAHEED

Why naija leader dey are so behavie like ds? U we advert d jod and u we share d needed slot among. And u can jst trobu we people are poor like ds. And extorting our money. Oh our leader better remember tomorrow wt 2day. So dat u we able 2 behavie well. What cos dis? I IBRAHIM WAHEED personaly have applyed 4 ds force like 4tms & other jobs in ds our naija and spend money with it. And with good qualification. And with all have nothing am strogu 2 apply.shortly.
No. 34
Posted on Mon 05th Dec, 2011 05:39:33 GMT by IB WAHEED

Why naija leader dey are so behavie like ds? U we advert d jod and u we share d needed slot among. And u can jst trobu we people are poor like ds. And extorting our money. Oh our leader better remember tomorrow wt 2day. So dat u we able 2 behavie well. What cos dis? I IBRAHIM WAHEED personaly have applyed 4 ds force like 4tms & other jobs in ds our naija and spend money with it. And with good qualification. And with all have nothing am strogu 2 apply.shortly.
No. 35
Posted on Mon 05th Dec, 2011 10:11:57 GMT by Prof

Abeg make una take ur tym n give dese chances 2 poor Nigerians 2 beta their families. D rich r getting richer, d poor, poorer.... u can imagine.. if u dnt get a senator's attestation u wil nt be considered.... who is fooling who...I PRAY 4 Naija
No. 36
Posted on Mon 05th Dec, 2011 16:49:14 GMT by Blessing

Hw much is the form?
No. 37
Posted on Mon 05th Dec, 2011 16:49:41 GMT by Blessing

Hw much is the form?
No. 38
Posted on Tue 06th Dec, 2011 09:23:26 GMT by Ekere Akachukwu

Can one without a godfather apply? I know how I do suffer to get money that I've been using for these series of federal applications. God help me. Ill still apply. I will never get tired

No. 39
Posted on Tue 06th Dec, 2011 09:37:16 GMT by Afijara Solomon Oladipupo

My aim and objectives of this job is to work under pressure to the satisfaction. And also, to lead this country, Nigeria to the promise land. Sir/Ma, i will be very greatful if my application be considerd. Thanks
No. 40
Posted on Wed 07th Dec, 2011 16:22:34 GMT by Emeka Chukwuadinizu

My dear high class people in 9ja, Im not saying that d privileged one should not enjoy his or her privilage but pls be careful d kind of candidates u help. National Aspiration cannot be attained by undisciplined candidates. We have 3 kinds of applicants, some are looking for the opportunity to avenge wrong done to them. Some r for money making. Some have been dreaming with great desire to serve d nation and make a good name. These people have been prepared for it, they don't appear lazy, once u look on them u know. Thank u.
No. 41
Posted on Wed 07th Dec, 2011 17:39:16 GMT by Gee

so once you are above 24years of age in this country,you are of no Good again.......good radiance to bad rubbish
No. 42
Posted on Wed 07th Dec, 2011 18:21:11 GMT by Emeka Anthony Chukwuadinizu.

Dear Nigeria Airforce I made a mistake on the acknowledgement letter. Date of birth should be 1989/08/15 which is written in my birth certificate. Not 1988/08/15. Pls do I apply. again? What do I do? I need help. My serial no is 72048. Thank you.
No. 43
Posted on Thu 08th Dec, 2011 18:35:23 GMT by HARIZZ VINCE

It is qite clear dat u all are after poor peoples money, may God hav mercy on u all.
No. 44
Posted on Fri 09th Dec, 2011 14:04:01 GMT by columbus

recently, the NPF conducted cadet recruitment exercise in which many unemployed Nigerians applied only for them to shortlist just 25 candidates out of over 5000 that applied in each state, imagine that. I hope this is not another means of extorting money from young Nigerians who are suffering to survive in this harsh economy and frustrating country that does not think of the common man? Anyway, if want to recruit us, why not make your forms freely available for all or simply sell it to your already selected and preferencially treated candidates. Let realistic.
No. 45
Posted on Fri 09th Dec, 2011 15:27:33 GMT by SUNDAY THANKGOD

pls i want to knw the cost of the form and what is the possibility that admission will be given...
No. 46
Posted on Sat 10th Dec, 2011 04:10:47 GMT by Famoddon

Mistake i enter my date of birth 1988 instead of 1989, pls tell me what to do,
No. 47
Posted on Sun 11th Dec, 2011 10:53:23 GMT by Admin

@ Famoddon - I advice you to call any of these numbers: 09-870 4817, 09-870 8475 and 08078406568 or e-mail to: [email protected] I hope they will help you.
No. 48
Posted on Sun 11th Dec, 2011 13:47:08 GMT by JACOB ANZAKU

i will like to apply for this opportunity and see what God will do for me in 2011/2012 airforce recruitment because i have apply for difference higher institution in Nigeria but there was no admission so it is better i use my ssce to try job and see. i am 24 years old and have all credit on my 0 level subject but is neco on 2 sittings 2007/2009. bye for now fellow Nigerians
No. 49
Posted on Sun 11th Dec, 2011 14:03:11 GMT by Obalowose sunday

pls Mar/Sir,can i join the nigerian airforce without my primary school certificate? because i lust it long ago
No. 50
Posted on Tue 13th Dec, 2011 13:50:23 GMT by Ademuba dada blessing

Am lak nigeria airforce

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