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Curriculum & Instructional Consultant at Banyan Global

Posted on Fri 25th Jun, 2021 - --- (0 comments)

Banyan Global is a development consulting firm, founded on the principle that integrating expertise and experience from the development community and private sector will achieve a broad and lasting impact. Our unique team comprises seasoned private sector and international development professionals. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., Banyan Global maintains staff around the world. Banyan Global is a women-owned small business.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Curriculum & Instructional Consultant

Location: Abuja (FCT)
Level of Effort: 81 days (60 days July-Sep 2021; 21 days Oct 2021-Sep 2022)
Project: Health Workforce Management Activity Task Order
Report to: IHI Quality HRH Training Specialist
Dates: July 2021 - Sep 2022


  • The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Health Workforce Management (HWM) activity supports establishing a cost-effective, well-trained, and motivated health workforce in targeted rural and remote areas of Bauchi, Sokoto, Kebbi, and Ebonyi states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Banyan Global implements the project in collaboration with Abt Associates, the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), and Solina Health.


  • IHI is leading efforts to achieve Intermediate Result (IR) 1: Quality of health worker training is improved. This effort includes the following sub-objectives:
  • IR 1.1: Improved pre-service training of health care workers:
    • IR 1.1.1: Training curricula developed and enhanced
    • IR 1.1.2: Improved instructor capacity to deliver problem-solving-based curricula
    • IR 1.1.3: Full accreditation of training institutions
    • IR 1.1.4: Increased teaching staff development and retention
  • IR 1.2: Improved in-service training of health care workers:
    • IR 1.2.1: Improved quality of short-term in-service training
    • IR 1.2.2: Improved quality of continuing professional development schemes

To Achieve These Objectives, IHI is:

  • Forming a Human Resources for Health (HRH) Training Stakeholder Advisory Group (TAG) to oversee, guide, build ownership of, and ultimately take the lead on HRH training reform and continuous improvement.
  • Conducting a baseline assessment to learn about the current state of pre-service and in-service training.
  • Using the assessment results to work with Pre-Service Training Institutions (PSTIs) to develop or revise an annual operational plan for improvement.
  • Providing support to PSTIs and/or other local partners to implement the operational plans.

IHI will engage two (2) Consultants to Provide Input and Expertise on Quality Improvement (QI) in Support of two Sub-Objectives:

  • IR 1.1.1: Training curricula developed and enhanced
  • IR 1.1.2: Improved instructor capacity to deliver problem-solving-based curricula

IR 1.1.1: Training Curricula Developed and Enhanced:

  • In Nigeria, healthcare pre-service training institution (PSTI) curricula are designed by professional PSTI regulatory bodies. For this project, these would be the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria (NMCN), and the Community Health Practitioner Registration Board of Nigeria (CHPRBN) for the schools of nursing and midwifery and the schools of health science and technology.
  • Using the findings from the baseline assessment, our team will work with the professional regulatory bodies to review and encourage the development of a gender-sensitive, youth-friendly, problem-solving-based curriculum that meets service-delivery demands, fulfills accreditation requirements, and addresses health worker attitudes in addition to their knowledge and skills.
  • The consultants will work with the regulatory bodies and other stakeholders in the review and development of this curriculum to ensure that it leverages engaging learning principles and incorporates topics in leadership, systems thinking, learning from data, and working in teams, with an opportunity to undertake projects to improve aspects of care similar to the realities of service delivery. We also may work with state and federal partners to explore developing COVID-19 training modules.

IR 1.1.2: Improved Instructor Capacity to Deliver Problem-solving-based Curricula:

  • Our team will identify a core group of instructors at each PSTI that we will work closely with and mentor through the process of curriculum review and development. Instructor capacity will be built to deliver a hybrid curriculum that is both content- and competency-based.
  • The consultants will develop an instructor training program that provides an overview of the revised content along with best practices in participatory adult learning.
  • The training program will facilitate capacity-building through in-person and virtual sessions and foster learning among the instructors through a community of practice. The consultants will collaborate with the core group of instructors, observing them during lectures and providing feedback to improve their skills.


  • Report of activities at the end of consultancy
  • Monthly report of activities
  • Updated curriculum for supported regulatory bodies
  • Instructor training program (including implementation materials)
  • All core group instructors complete the training program

Timing and Level of Effort
Each consultant is projected to commit 81 days between June 2021 and September 2022, including:

  • 60 days between June and September 2021 (Q4 of Project Year 1)
  • 21 days between October 2021 and September 2022 (Project Year 2)
  • Subject to security assessments at the time of travel, we expect each consultant will travel to Abuja, Nigeria once in Year 1 and once in Year 2 in support of the project. We expect the consultants may also travel to Kebbi, Sokoto, Ebonyi, and Bauchi States in Year 1.

Reporting and Communication:

  • The consultants will report to IHI’s Quality HRH Training Specialist based in Abuja.

Education & Experience:

  • Master’s Degree in Public Health, Public Administration, Adult Education, or another relevant field and 2-5 years of experience working on projects or programs utilizing skills relevant to this position.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Sciences, Public Administration, Adult Education, or another relevant field and 6-10 years of experience working on projects or programs utilizing skills relevant to this position.


  • Strong knowledge of Quality Improvement principles and processes with demonstrated experience applying QI in past work.
  • Strong knowledge of adult education principles and demonstrated experience developing and leading adult-oriented training programs.
  • Strong knowledge of inclusion and equity principles, particularly as they apply to women, youth, and other marginalized communities.
  • Knowledge of or experience in public health and/or health care highly desirable.


  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Ability to work well independently and as part of a team.
  • Comfort working with a diverse range of stakeholders, including government officials, academic instructors, community members, and local and international project staff.
  • Must be willing and able to travel, if necessary, throughout the five priority states.
  • Must be willing to commit to the full period of implementation.

Application Closing Date
9th July, 2021.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV and an application letter / email that provides details of their relevant qualifications to: using "HWM Curriculum Consultant" as the subject of the mail.


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