Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) is an Italian humanitarian non-governmental organization founded in Milan in 1965. COOPI aims to help the world’s poorest to improve their access to healthcare, food, and financial security, and to overcome their special vulnerability to wars, civil conflicts and natural disasters. For 50 years of long-term support and constant presence in the field, COOPI has been engaged in breaking the cycle of poverty and responding to specific emergencies in numerous sectors, including Food Security, Humanitarian Aid, Health, Socio-Economical Services, Water and Sanitation, Human Rights, Education and Training, Migrations and Sustainable Energy.
COOPI started its operations in North-East Nigeria in July 2014 to carry out a rapid evaluation of the most relevant constraints suffered by the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) displaced by the food crisis and the Boko Haram insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin.
The COOPI Nigeria Field Office is located in Yobe State, in order to cover intervention LGAs in Yobe State and to provide direct assistance to the IDPs and their hosting communities, through a multi-sectorial programme covering Food Security, Social Protection, Early Recovery and Livelihoods, Nutrition and Child Protection interventions. COOPI's capacity to respond to the humanitarian situation in the country is confirmed by its experience in providing humanitarian aid in more than 24 other Countries around the World, in over 50 years of operations.
The Complaint and Response Mechanism Officer will provide support to the implementation, monitoring and accountability of COOPI Multi-sectoral Programs in Northeast Nigeria across different donor funded interventions.
He/She will be responsible for ensuring Community Based Feedback and Response Mechanisms (CBFRM) are in place in all COOPI program sites to strengthen the quality and accountability of emergency response as well as upholding the organization’s commitment towards Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) standards especially in regards to information sharing, beneficiaries’ participation, complaints and response mechanism.
Scope of the Position
The CRM Officer will provide support to multi-sectorial intervention towards IDPs in NE Nigeria, in the design, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the program by managing complaint data and facilitating program implementation at state level, under the guidance and direct supervision of the MEAL Officer(s)/Protection AAP Officers and reporting directly to the MEAL team Lead and indirectly to the Program Coordinator.
The CRM Officer will be responsible to setting up and managing the collection and the resolution of complaints in the field for COOPI Multi-sectoral Programs in Northeast Nigeria across different donor funded interventions. She/He will ensure accuracy of complaint registration and provision of feedback to beneficiaries, non-beneficiaries and other affected populations and stakeholders.
Support conducting of Protection Monitoring/ risk assessments/ rapid protection assessments, conduct referrals (including establishing referral pathways), following up of cases, identification of protection cases, weekly work planning, ensuring awareness on CFM, collection of complaints, documenting of the complaints in adherence to COOPI systems.
Main Responsibilities and Tasks
Under the direct supervision of the MEAL Officer(s)/AAP Protection Officers and the MEAL Team Lead and in collaboration with other collaborators of the projects and of the Base, she/he will:
Will manage the registration of complaints received by beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries at distribution point and community outreach activities.
To assist the M&EOfficer in working with program staff and beneficiaries to develop structure and methods for managing the complaints and feedback in the field as well as maintaining the integrity of information received.
This role will also involve management of CRM database by ensuring proper documentation and aggregation of CRM data including complaints received, investigated and responded to as well as providing detailed summaries of complaints issues to feedback to the program team during monthly and quarterly meetings/reports.
The post holder with support from the M&E Officer will ensure the collection of quality complain and feedback across the response.
The post holder will interface and support programme team members, support programme coordination and policy engagement.
Maintenance of an effective record and filing system for all complaints solved and pending issues including correspondences and other related documents for quick and easy reference.
Report any issue which needs immediate action to the MEAL Officer/AAP Protection Officers and follow up on the resolution of such issues.
Supervisory support to conduct verification and screening of the non-beneficiaries who want to be included in the programme.
Be in charge of providing feedback to the complainants when complaints are resolved, with the support of the Food Management Committees, Project management Committees, Community Resilience Groups and other project community social structures.
Treat beneficiaries with dignity and apply COOPI’s Code of Ethics and Conduct, the UN Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) in the field.
Work with program teams to ensure COOPI information on program activities is shared within LGAs and provide for beneficiary feedback in line with relevant guidelines and frameworks
Where necessary, be responsible to organising, handling and managing call centres for COOPI Feedback Phone Lines, whilst maintaining call logs and detailed feedback tracking.
Supervise and organize all assessments for the projects or for new projects especially monthly price and market assessment.
Analyze the humanitarian situation, taking protection problems into consideration/Do no Harm to the population.
Propose action plan to ensure that beneficiaries and local populations both understand the project goals and actively participate in their implementation.
Qualifications and Experience
B.Sc / HND / ND in Management, Social Research, and Development Studies or a related field or comparable addition to experience.
Proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, including Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint.
Minimum of 1 years proven experience in accountability especially feedback mechanisms concepts and international humanitarian quality standards.
Previous experience of working with NGOs.
Experience in implementation of accountability and complaints reporting mechanisms in Nigeria.
Experience in developing and/or managing complaints reporting mechanisms for food and cash transfer programs.
Understand key concepts and commitments regarding accountability to affected populations (AAP), including Strong understanding of HAP, Do No Harm and other relevant global standards.
Ethical, focused on treating complainants/ community fairly and culturally sensitive.
Building collaborative relationships with beneficiaries and the community.
Proven interest & commitment to humanitarian and development principles and demonstrable understanding of conflict / post conflict development contexts.
Sound analytical, conceptual and strategic thinking skills.
Excellent communication skills and experience in report writing.
Proficiency in English, Hausa and Kanuri languages both spoken and written.
Understanding of monitoring processes, learning, adaptation and evaluation
Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.