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Nigerian Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC ) Course Recruitment 2011

Posted on Mon 02nd May, 2011 - --- (87 comments)

Nigerian Army - Applications are invited from suitably qualified Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) officers for the following NA specialties.


Applications should be into any of the following Corps and Services of the NA:

a. Medical Corps.

(1) Medical Specialists: Applicants must possess MBBS degree or its equivalent and Post Graduate/Special qualifications. Preference will be given to Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, ENT Surgeons, Radiologist, Pediatricians, General Surgeons, Psychiatrists and Anesthetists.

(2) Medical Doctor: Candidates must possess MBBS or MBCHB degree registrable with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council. 

(3) Dental Surgeons. Candidates must possess BDS degree registrable with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council.

(4) Pharmacists. Applicants must possess at least BSc Pharm/B Pharm and must be a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria.

(5) Physiotherapists. Applicants must possess BSc/B Physiotherapy and must be a member of the Institute of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy.

(6) Medical Laboratory Scientists.  Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Medical Laboratory Science and must be registered with the Institute of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology of Nigeria.

(7) Medical Image Scientists. Applicants must possess BSc in Radiography and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(8) Clinical Psychologists. Applicants must possess MSc in Psychology and must be a registered Clinical Psychologist.

(9) Dieticians. Applicants must possess BSc Dietetics.

(10) Nursing Officers. Applicants must be registered Nurses.  Applicants with BSc Nursing or other specialization will have added advantage.

(11) Bio-Medical Engineers. Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Bio-Medical Engineering and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(12) Optometrists.  Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Optometry and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(13) Occupational Therapists.   Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Occupational Therapy and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

 B.  Directorates of Chaplain Services/Islamic Affairs. Christian applicants must be ordained priests with BA in Theology while Muslim applicants must possess BA in Arabic and Islamic Studies or Shariah Law. Each applicant will be required to produce testimony of excellent character by a reputable religious organization in Nigeria.

CEducation Corps.  Applicants must possess BA, BSc or B.Ed degree in Mathematics, English, French, Arabic, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science or Introductory Technology. 

D . Directorate of Legal Services.   Applicants must possess LLB and BL and must have been called to the Bar, legal experience/court appearance will be an added advantage.

E. Band Corps.   Applicants must possess HND, BSc or equivalent in Music with L.R.A.M and A.R.C.M.

F. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Corps. Applicants must possess a minimum of first degree or HND in Electrical, Mechanical, Avionics or Production Engineering registrable with NSE and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

G. Engineers Corps.  Applicants must possess HND, BSc or MSc degree in Architecture, Quantity/Estate/Land Surveying, Building/Structural Engineering, Geographic Information Systems or Cartography. 

H. Supply and Transport Corps.   Applicants must possess HND or BSc in Catering and Hotel Management.  A good working experience will be an added advantage.

I. Directorate of Army Physical Training. Applicants must possess HND, BSc in Physical and Health Education.


3. An applicant must fulfill the following:

a. Be a Nigerian as defined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

b. Be male or female between the ages of 22 to 35 years for both serving personnel and civilians.

c. Be medically and physically fit.

d. Measure not less than 1.68m (for male) and 1.65m (for female) in height.

e. Must not have been convicted by any court of law.

f. Possess a minimum of first degree of not less than Second Class Lower Division from a recognized University or HND from a recognized Polytechnic of not less than Lower Credit.

g. Applicants (less serving members of the Armed Forces) must have completed the NYSC Scheme or provide proof of exemption as the case may be.

h. Graduates with registrable professional qualifications must be duly registered by relevant bodies recognized by Nigerian Laws at the commencement of cadet training.

i. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, Hospital or Local Government Council of birth or valid age declaration.

j. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.

k. Recommended by at least two recognizable referees who must attest to the applicant’s character and integrity.  Serving military personnel must be recommended by their commanders.




4. Direct Short Service Commission will be granted for 10 years, for an initial probation period of 3 years service, renewable yearly for another period of 7 years.  Direct Regular Commission may be granted on conversion after 3 years as commissioned officer.

5. All selected candidates will be required to undergo an initial military training.

6. Officer cadets who successfully complete the military training shall be granted the rank of Lieutenant with no advantage of seniority except fully registered Medical Doctors, Architects, Lawyers and holders of doctorate degree in fields relevant to individual service who will be commissioned in the same rank but with 3 months seniority.


7. The following will apply:

a. All applications are to be made online.

(1) Obtain a PIN Code from any branch of Oceanic Bank nationwide upon the payment of N2,500 Application Fee to the Cashier. 

(2) Logon to 

(3) Read the Qualification Criteria and select either Short Service Combatant or Direct Short Service. 

(4) Enter basic details as requested alongside the PIN Code. 

(5) Login to begin filling the forms and upload documents and passport. 

If you have any problems, Use the Contact Us link on top.

Applicants are to complete the form online and upload all required documents stated in the general instructions. Applicants must print out their online generated photo-card on completion of their application. Successful applicants are required to present their printed photo-card to the selection board during the interview.


8. Applications close on 30 May 2011.


9. For further information, you may call the following  lines 07061869929, 08023800632, 07030383908, 08061572286 08060294492, 09-8709668 and 09-8734009.  

support lines: 01-7339334, 07026936166, 07092426991

You may also visit

Army Headquarters
Department of Military Secretary
Mambilla Barracks
Asokoro Abuja
Click here to start application

Update 26th August 2011: DSSC Shortlisted for Aptitude Test

Click here for Nigerian Army DSSC Shortlists


Comments (87)

No. 51
Posted on Mon 18th Jul, 2011 10:49:06 GMT by mfonobong umoh

please sir, when are we expecting dssc selection test. thanks and GOD BLESS
No. 52
Posted on Tue 19th Jul, 2011 10:39:47 GMT by Alexander

Pls house when likely is the list coming out thks
No. 53
Posted on Tue 19th Jul, 2011 13:51:20 GMT by femi

pls any one that here the date they will release the list of people for screening should pls contact me 08062432826
No. 54
Posted on Tue 19th Jul, 2011 22:39:11 GMT by bigbussy

DSSC shorlist'l be out dis wk or early nxt wk via THE observant.pls,no one shd hesitate 2post d info online when is out.lets b of luck
No. 55
Posted on Fri 22nd Jul, 2011 13:54:54 GMT by Ayodele

Fellow Nigerian Graduate, pls it's there on the Nigerian Army website that the date of the interview will be published on the daily trust and the puch news paper when fixed. Pls, let keep our figer cross for the day to come. And whenever it's out pls, u can jst post it as comment on this site so that no body will miss the interview. Best regard!
No. 56
Posted on Sun 24th Jul, 2011 07:21:17 GMT by Bello Bolorunduro

pls we need to known on time the date and time for interview of this 2011,na ssc list. Godbless the na Army.
No. 57
Posted on Wed 27th Jul, 2011 05:19:08 GMT by Peter Oyebanjo

I ask a friend in d army he said i suld be checking punch every monday,wednesday & friday 4 d list gudluck
No. 58
Posted on Wed 27th Jul, 2011 11:42:21 GMT by idam

what is happening to shortlist
No. 59
Posted on Fri 29th Jul, 2011 09:27:37 GMT by ORJI EJIKE

God bless Nigeria Army please 2 whom it may concern when re we expectin the list
No. 60
Posted on Fri 29th Jul, 2011 15:24:46 GMT by ukpai edwin

No. 61
Posted on Fri 29th Jul, 2011 15:40:46 GMT by CAPTAIN OKOYE

If you really want to be shortlisted, Call (08034443690) or email ( The truth is that without BEING CONNECTED, you wont be shortlisted. Compilation is in the last phase. Hurry !!
No. 62
Posted on Sun 31st Jul, 2011 16:12:12 GMT by Rastaman

@CAPTAIN OKOYE or weitin u called ur name, to hel wit u and ur stupid connection! Infact, u can go and jump into the lagoon with ur so called connection. God in His infinite mercy will not allowed u to spoil our great Nation (Nigeria) for us, u stupid man, if u dont know, we Nigerian graduates are not despirate to be commissioned into the Nigerian Army, if God says we will be there, we shall be there, so, dont border ur self with ur useless connection bcus, we will never be part of that, we are leaders of tomorrow and we shall be there in Jesus name...... One love my fellow Nigerian graduate!
No. 63
Posted on Wed 03rd Aug, 2011 15:41:43 GMT by Wine

Gud words from u rastaman, let d dupe captain be damned with his non-existing connection. We sha all cont. 2 speak with 1 voice; say no to corruption.
No. 64
Posted on Fri 05th Aug, 2011 13:45:04 GMT by Ethel Sunny

I join my fellow counterparts 2 fight against corruption 2 d deepest pit so d/4 2 hell wit d so called captain if it is d process u took 2 attain 2 d height u are 2day, know it dat u are wrong but i have dis 2 tell u dat wit God all tings are possible pls sir don't feel embarrased.
No. 65
Posted on Fri 05th Aug, 2011 16:06:00 GMT by UKPAI E

No. 66
Posted on Fri 05th Aug, 2011 21:01:00 GMT by Ugo

Abeg may una no mind Capt Okoye, Capt. u disgraced me, kai Igbo Man, can't help.
No. 67
Posted on Fri 05th Aug, 2011 22:31:56 GMT by COL MUSA

Wana join Nigerian Army ?Good.Relax!. The president,Good luck jonathan is on top this time. Once u're qualified, you wil be enlisted.We need more people in NA. Many officers are collecting money from you guys but believe me enlistment this time is purely on merit. So lucky those who applied this yr. CAPTAIN OKOYE is a comedian he is never serious and got no connection. He's just a funny internet freak.
No. 68
Posted on Sat 06th Aug, 2011 21:16:12 GMT by CYRIACUS

No. 69
Posted on Tue 09th Aug, 2011 20:25:40 GMT by ORJI KINSLEY

This will be my last attempt on job seeking since 7yrs. I dont know any body in military. But if am not shortlisted I wil start KIDNAPPING.This country is very rich and I must get my FAIR share. IF YOU CANT GIVE GRADUATES JOBS, DONT GRADUATE THEM.
No. 70
Posted on Wed 10th Aug, 2011 11:03:02 GMT by olaleye sunday samuel

mrng sir to all the general colonel,lieutenant colonel,captain,lieutenant,2nd lieutenant,regimental sergeant major and all other ranks.i salute all the barracks.i applied for the dssc 2011 and pls i want to know when the shortlisted will be out.i remain loyal.Up Nigeria number is 08122290442,08169545319.anybody should kindly call me when its out.
No. 71
Posted on Wed 10th Aug, 2011 16:58:34 GMT by funnyboy

please everybody relax and pray as for the so called captain can't y'all see its just a joke as far as am concerned i don't think an army officer will publicly open himself on a forum like this
No. 72
Posted on Thu 11th Aug, 2011 01:38:15 GMT by Dapar

my regards to all the army officers, am a nurse by profession, i applied for the dssc and not online but directly to the Army medical corpse in handwritten, how possible is it for my name to be shortlisted? please i want to know. thank you;
No. 73
Posted on Mon 15th Aug, 2011 12:31:19 GMT by Rastaman

My fellow compatriot, pls let be our brothers keeper, whenever the list is out, this medium is the best way of deseminating the information to all applicants. Let try an carry everybody along. May God help us....... One love!
No. 74
Posted on Tue 16th Aug, 2011 02:01:25 GMT by Austine Ojans

when we resist not resistance, we give it a way to destroy itself out. let our minds be fixed on Job availability, then and only then will we create more Jobs
No. 75
Posted on Tue 16th Aug, 2011 19:33:52 GMT by kevin

Lets hope d delay is for gud. Sooner or latter,it gona b out. What gona be,gona be. Keep d flag flying.
No. 76
Posted on Mon 22nd Aug, 2011 04:46:39 GMT by ADAM

I wise every one of u best of lucky.isn't all dat fill d applicatn u wll success bt lucky ones may Allah show up 2 them
No. 77
Posted on Fri 26th Aug, 2011 09:40:32 GMT by achilonu nnamdi robert

pls i wish to know when the nigerian army interview will be coming up pls reply
No. 78
Posted on Fri 26th Aug, 2011 10:39:27 GMT by Ifeanyi Okonkwo

The list is out. Check punch and daily trust of 26th august 2011. Thank God I was selected.
No. 79
Posted on Wed 31st Aug, 2011 16:53:56 GMT by SAMUEL EZE COLLINS

pls help and check if i'm selected DSSC/20011/20159 EBONYI STATE
No. 80
Posted on Thu 01st Sep, 2011 17:39:08 GMT by Tyodaa Terfa

I am Tyodaa Trefa from Benue State'DSSC/2011/15775. I to know if my name has been shortlisted for DSSC selection interview.Thans
No. 81
Posted on Sat 03rd Sep, 2011 15:05:38 GMT by obi christian nwabunwanne

is my name in shortlisted names of the DSSC
No. 82
Posted on Tue 12th Feb, 2013 19:30:08 GMT by ijahu ijabani

when will 2013 short form be on sales,the short service training that is done in nasme benue state

No. 83
Posted on Wed 19th Jun, 2013 22:44:22 GMT by ALI GOODNEWS

pls sir.when will the SSC form be out for purchase
No. 84
Posted on Mon 26th Aug, 2013 11:59:46 GMT by General

Applicants must be aged between 18 – 22 years
Education requirements, SSCE, NECO, GCE with
at least 3 credits including English.
Applicants must be medically, physically and
psychologically fit and must be up to 1.65M tall
for male and 1.56M for female.
we are just helping candidates who cannot find
the scratch card at thier area or any reason what
so ever… and our commission is included on the
For more details call major on 07055029151
No. 85
Posted on Fri 11th Apr, 2014 11:25:52 GMT by Army

AND POLICE FORCE CALL_+2348162588333

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