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Nigerian Army Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC ) Course Recruitment 2011

Posted on Mon 02nd May, 2011 - --- (87 comments)

Nigerian Army - Applications are invited from suitably qualified Nigerians for commission into the Nigerian Army (NA) as Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC) officers for the following NA specialties.


Applications should be into any of the following Corps and Services of the NA:

a. Medical Corps.

(1) Medical Specialists: Applicants must possess MBBS degree or its equivalent and Post Graduate/Special qualifications. Preference will be given to Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, ENT Surgeons, Radiologist, Pediatricians, General Surgeons, Psychiatrists and Anesthetists.

(2) Medical Doctor: Candidates must possess MBBS or MBCHB degree registrable with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council. 

(3) Dental Surgeons. Candidates must possess BDS degree registrable with Nigerian Medical and Dental Council.

(4) Pharmacists. Applicants must possess at least BSc Pharm/B Pharm and must be a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria.

(5) Physiotherapists. Applicants must possess BSc/B Physiotherapy and must be a member of the Institute of the Nigeria Society of Physiotherapy.

(6) Medical Laboratory Scientists.  Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Medical Laboratory Science and must be registered with the Institute of Medical Laboratory Science and Technology of Nigeria.

(7) Medical Image Scientists. Applicants must possess BSc in Radiography and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(8) Clinical Psychologists. Applicants must possess MSc in Psychology and must be a registered Clinical Psychologist.

(9) Dieticians. Applicants must possess BSc Dietetics.

(10) Nursing Officers. Applicants must be registered Nurses.  Applicants with BSc Nursing or other specialization will have added advantage.

(11) Bio-Medical Engineers. Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Bio-Medical Engineering and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(12) Optometrists.  Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Optometry and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

(13) Occupational Therapists.   Applicants must possess BSc or HND in Occupational Therapy and must be registered with the appropriate professional body.

 B.  Directorates of Chaplain Services/Islamic Affairs. Christian applicants must be ordained priests with BA in Theology while Muslim applicants must possess BA in Arabic and Islamic Studies or Shariah Law. Each applicant will be required to produce testimony of excellent character by a reputable religious organization in Nigeria.

CEducation Corps.  Applicants must possess BA, BSc or B.Ed degree in Mathematics, English, French, Arabic, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science or Introductory Technology. 

D . Directorate of Legal Services.   Applicants must possess LLB and BL and must have been called to the Bar, legal experience/court appearance will be an added advantage.

E. Band Corps.   Applicants must possess HND, BSc or equivalent in Music with L.R.A.M and A.R.C.M.

F. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Corps. Applicants must possess a minimum of first degree or HND in Electrical, Mechanical, Avionics or Production Engineering registrable with NSE and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

G. Engineers Corps.  Applicants must possess HND, BSc or MSc degree in Architecture, Quantity/Estate/Land Surveying, Building/Structural Engineering, Geographic Information Systems or Cartography. 

H. Supply and Transport Corps.   Applicants must possess HND or BSc in Catering and Hotel Management.  A good working experience will be an added advantage.

I. Directorate of Army Physical Training. Applicants must possess HND, BSc in Physical and Health Education.


3. An applicant must fulfill the following:

a. Be a Nigerian as defined in the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

b. Be male or female between the ages of 22 to 35 years for both serving personnel and civilians.

c. Be medically and physically fit.

d. Measure not less than 1.68m (for male) and 1.65m (for female) in height.

e. Must not have been convicted by any court of law.

f. Possess a minimum of first degree of not less than Second Class Lower Division from a recognized University or HND from a recognized Polytechnic of not less than Lower Credit.

g. Applicants (less serving members of the Armed Forces) must have completed the NYSC Scheme or provide proof of exemption as the case may be.

h. Graduates with registrable professional qualifications must be duly registered by relevant bodies recognized by Nigerian Laws at the commencement of cadet training.

i. Possess valid birth certificate endorsed by the National Population Commission, Hospital or Local Government Council of birth or valid age declaration.

j. Possess a valid certificate of state of origin.

k. Recommended by at least two recognizable referees who must attest to the applicant’s character and integrity.  Serving military personnel must be recommended by their commanders.




4. Direct Short Service Commission will be granted for 10 years, for an initial probation period of 3 years service, renewable yearly for another period of 7 years.  Direct Regular Commission may be granted on conversion after 3 years as commissioned officer.

5. All selected candidates will be required to undergo an initial military training.

6. Officer cadets who successfully complete the military training shall be granted the rank of Lieutenant with no advantage of seniority except fully registered Medical Doctors, Architects, Lawyers and holders of doctorate degree in fields relevant to individual service who will be commissioned in the same rank but with 3 months seniority.


7. The following will apply:

a. All applications are to be made online.

(1) Obtain a PIN Code from any branch of Oceanic Bank nationwide upon the payment of N2,500 Application Fee to the Cashier. 

(2) Logon to 

(3) Read the Qualification Criteria and select either Short Service Combatant or Direct Short Service. 

(4) Enter basic details as requested alongside the PIN Code. 

(5) Login to begin filling the forms and upload documents and passport. 

If you have any problems, Use the Contact Us link on top.

Applicants are to complete the form online and upload all required documents stated in the general instructions. Applicants must print out their online generated photo-card on completion of their application. Successful applicants are required to present their printed photo-card to the selection board during the interview.


8. Applications close on 30 May 2011.


9. For further information, you may call the following  lines 07061869929, 08023800632, 07030383908, 08061572286 08060294492, 09-8709668 and 09-8734009.  

support lines: 01-7339334, 07026936166, 07092426991

You may also visit

Army Headquarters
Department of Military Secretary
Mambilla Barracks
Asokoro Abuja
Click here to start application

Update 26th August 2011: DSSC Shortlisted for Aptitude Test

Click here for Nigerian Army DSSC Shortlists


Comments (87)

No. 1
Posted on Mon 02nd May, 2011 14:00:50 GMT by francis

please i dont know if local govt identification can be used in place of the state identification
No. 2
Posted on Mon 02nd May, 2011 14:33:56 GMT by Michael Adegbojere

Be fair. Fear God in ur selection; the opportunity should not be given to a selected group of few. Ire oo!
No. 3
Posted on Tue 03rd May, 2011 09:23:58 GMT by Austin

Pls monitor ur recruitment oficers to consider every LGA at state level
No. 4
Posted on Tue 03rd May, 2011 20:16:56 GMT by Ayo

Pls i wnt 2 ask,what if some1's discipline is international law and diplomacy and your course is under law but u've gone to law school and it's not compulsary 2 go 2 law school.can you still get the form.pls reply.tanx
No. 5
Posted on Thu 05th May, 2011 10:31:06 GMT by Oge

I just want to know if married women can also apply.
No. 6
Posted on Fri 06th May, 2011 02:00:25 GMT by Kingsley

Advise: Dont waste your #2500 & your valueble time unless you know someone inside.
No. 7
Posted on Fri 06th May, 2011 11:14:42 GMT by john

Dont deceive urself,d first criteria is dat u must know somebody inside who is ready to help.pls,4get merit.Goodluck:
No. 8
Posted on Fri 06th May, 2011 14:20:06 GMT by emma`

morning sir,have read through your recruitment requirement and was not too sure if i am qualified to apply. I hold a degree in Accountancy and Professional Degree in Financial Administration but did find such positions in your publication,what do you advice i do please?
No. 9
Posted on Mon 09th May, 2011 10:06:07 GMT by Imeh, Manasseh

Looking through the list, there is no provision for Accountants, Can Accountants apply? if yes, under what Corps? Thanks
No. 10
Posted on Tue 10th May, 2011 10:39:22 GMT by john osas oriakhi

i wish does buying this forms success.
No. 11
Posted on Wed 11th May, 2011 10:27:11 GMT by OGUNLEKE R.I

Nigerian Army,I commend your magnanimity placing this advert. I wish you include Health Information Mgt.(Medical Records)in your subsequent publications under MEDICAL pls.Medical practice can not be perfectly carried out without the involvement of Medical Records Officers licenced by the Health Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria (Established by Decree 39 of 1989).Adequate planning,monitoring and evaluation of patients`care can not be over emphasized in the medical practice of the 21st century paradigm shift (of our age) please.Thanks
No. 12
Posted on Sun 15th May, 2011 19:25:46 GMT by Josiah Ibrahim

i want to find out if it is possible for Veterinary Doctors to apply, if yes under which category. thank you
No. 13
Posted on Sun 15th May, 2011 21:12:40 GMT by Fatukasi Michael (Revd) Ibokun

Is there going to be selection examination? When and where?
No. 14
Posted on Mon 16th May, 2011 11:13:54 GMT by Owie juliet

I don't know how 2 search 4 those inside d house, for assistance
No. 15
Posted on Wed 18th May, 2011 12:45:38 GMT by koko olufemi setonji

please can you tell me the detain of this nigeria army form because i have interest in this job thank
No. 16
Posted on Wed 25th May, 2011 15:51:39 GMT by Ethelberth Sunday

Sir,im pleading on behlf of myself and other meaninful graduates applying 4 dis cadet recruitment 2 help 4 God,s sake and give us dis chance 2 serve dis country.Since about 90 percent of us have made up our mind 2 join d Nigeria Army despite every odd.I will like 2 ask dis question 2 d general public or 2 whom it may concern "Is dis how d Americans or other western worlds do recruit deir youths into deir Military.Thanks
No. 17
Posted on Mon 30th May, 2011 16:18:09 GMT by nebo fredrick ifeanyi

sir,pls i dont kw weda DSSC they wil follow report to there state recuitment centre.on 15june.pls sir i need ur reply
No. 18
Posted on Fri 10th Jun, 2011 10:27:03 GMT by Ajayi

Pls when is d date and venue 4 d dss corps
No. 19
Posted on Mon 13th Jun, 2011 06:58:54 GMT by Peter Ambi

Pls update me on the date for the interview or exam,venue aswell.thank you
No. 20
Posted on Tue 14th Jun, 2011 14:14:59 GMT by Imaga I. Lekwa

pls i apply for direct short service and i have not get any information about the date for interview. Any person with should let me know through this phone no 08038719672.
No. 21
Posted on Wed 15th Jun, 2011 12:33:34 GMT by s.boboye

i've been waiting to hear from them about the screening date and venue without any success.pls kindly get me informed,Tnx.
No. 22
Posted on Sat 18th Jun, 2011 05:40:59 GMT by Awaisu mustapha Ango

Pls, i apply /DSSC/ so up to nw i have not get any information corning the date, and venue for the screening and interview. Pls, you should let me now through this numbr 08068049851. Thanks alot. Awais ango
No. 23
Posted on Sat 18th Jun, 2011 11:25:34 GMT by oge

pls wen is date for d screening and examination exercise with venue information.pls kindly do us well by texting or e-mailing me at least a wk to d date for dssc.
No. 24
Posted on Sat 18th Jun, 2011 13:01:27 GMT by matawal

when is the exam date of dssc and ssc cardet
No. 25
Posted on Mon 20th Jun, 2011 10:03:27 GMT by german

the government should try to make the nigerian military equiped and enjoyable and also rich.they are making the sacrifice we know their scorespls
No. 26
Posted on Mon 20th Jun, 2011 20:34:05 GMT by oyebade oluwaseun A.

pls sir,when is the shortlist of DSS candidate will comes out,and it will realy afford me a great pleasue to serve my father`s land through nigeria army not others.thanks so much sir.
No. 27
Posted on Mon 20th Jun, 2011 20:49:19 GMT by oyebade oluwaseun A.

pls sir,when is the shortlist of DSS candidate will comes out? And it will realy afford me a great and gratitude pleasue to serve my father`s land through nigerian army not others.thanks so much sir.
No. 28
Posted on Tue 21st Jun, 2011 19:56:52 GMT by MUSA MOHAMMED

Thanks Ammed. Guys Join BOKO HARAM. Its free and pays more than Nigerian army.The truth is that they only care about there selves. If you are interested.Text your info to "". Or come to Biu Maidugiri . We wil pay ur transport fare. Please government stop extorting money from our poor unemployed graduates.
No. 29
Posted on Wed 22nd Jun, 2011 22:31:14 GMT by Ben

Sir. I have been a member of a paramilitary for the past 5years. am intrested in joining nigeria army. But presently serving as nysc corp member in benin airport in edo state. Pls can i go ahead to purchase d scratch card at d bank?
No. 30
Posted on Thu 23rd Jun, 2011 02:56:43 GMT by Lawrence

Please i want know when DSSC exam is coming up!
No. 31
Posted on Fri 24th Jun, 2011 10:02:33 GMT by Ajayi samson

Pls we did not here any information regads the dss and ssc shortlisted candidate, date and venue.
No. 32
Posted on Sun 26th Jun, 2011 13:31:11 GMT by Cyriacus

We have filled & submitted d Army DSSC online application, but when d we EXPECT d shortlisted names & exam dates.
No. 33
Posted on Sun 26th Jun, 2011 14:25:20 GMT by Olaleye sunday samuel

Mrng Sir,am olaleye sunday samuel.i apply 4 d D.s.s.c army 2011 and wish to know when d shortlisting wil come out.thank u Sir
No. 34
Posted on Mon 27th Jun, 2011 07:00:01 GMT by ibrahim shaibu

Pls sir, when is d date of screening & shortlistment 4 d Dssc. Thank u.
No. 35
Posted on Mon 27th Jun, 2011 17:36:48 GMT by Toyin

Enuf of d delay. The army shld publish shortlisted candidates
No. 36
Posted on Wed 29th Jun, 2011 17:04:32 GMT by Ajayi

Pls house, we have not hear anything about the screaning for the dss and ssc.
No. 37
Posted on Sat 02nd Jul, 2011 07:53:59 GMT by fatai olowoora

wen is d list of successful candidates for the nig. army 2011 going to be out?
No. 38
Posted on Sat 02nd Jul, 2011 10:55:40 GMT by Kanu confidence .o

I kanu onyekachi confidence from Abia believe strongly that nigeria getting better,I need to be part of that change,I love my father land,when is dss exam coming up
No. 39
Posted on Sat 02nd Jul, 2011 11:27:00 GMT by Efe

I would want to know when the shortlisted candidates ll be published and date for interview.
No. 40
Posted on Sat 02nd Jul, 2011 16:54:50 GMT by lil

Pls when is the interview coming up, and where are we suppose to go for? Moreso, how do we see the shortlisted candidates for the test and interview. Pls i need a quick response. somebody help.....
No. 41
Posted on Wed 06th Jul, 2011 02:33:01 GMT by Okoh Ewere Jophet

Please I would like to know how to be informed if the interview date is scheduled
No. 42
Posted on Wed 06th Jul, 2011 04:36:44 GMT by felix ohaji

sir ,wit all due respect, i wish to ask for the date of the enlistment and interview .i wil be pleased if i wil contacted throght my phone 08069717767 or email
No. 43
Posted on Wed 06th Jul, 2011 05:28:57 GMT by Ibe louis

Pls. When is the exam for DSSC coming up and where.
No. 44
Posted on Thu 07th Jul, 2011 22:03:42 GMT by Peter

Pls whch newspaper wl carry d shortlisting. I applyd 4 d recruitmnt. Pls cal or text me 07036099616
No. 45
Posted on Fri 08th Jul, 2011 00:01:02 GMT by YUSUF MOHD

Suck Nigerian army. Guys stop deceiving your selves. Ministers ,governors,officers and commissioners children wil fil all the position. Be wise!
No. 46
Posted on Mon 11th Jul, 2011 23:56:41 GMT by west dekims

when will d list be out because we want to help to protect and defend our country and mother land.I will be pleased if the poor men children are considered than the rich onces
No. 47
Posted on Wed 13th Jul, 2011 18:30:41 GMT by Kulukulu Raphael Meeting

When will the short-listed list will be out, i want know because am ready to defend my Father,s Land
No. 48
Posted on Thu 14th Jul, 2011 13:33:46 GMT by amos asoro

when should we be expecting the shortlisted names.thanks
No. 49
Posted on Fri 15th Jul, 2011 12:39:37 GMT by Ebinepre

What is delaying d List?
No. 50
Posted on Sat 16th Jul, 2011 19:37:48 GMT by ebun

pls when shld we b expecting d list

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