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Consultant - External Mid Term Evaluation at Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)

Posted on Fri 20th Sep, 2019 - --- (0 comments)

Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), as a global humanitarian actor, provides life-saving assistance and protection to communities and people affected by crisis. NCA's expertise within the humanitarian field is access to safe drinking water and a safe sanitary and hygienic environment, and the promotion of improved hygiene practices. NCA is a member of the Action by Churches Together (ACT) Alliance, one of the world’s largest humanitarian alliances. NCA is primarily partner based.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Consultant for External Mid Term evaluation of Norwegian Church Aid’s (NCA) Humanitarian Program to Peoples of Concern in Borno, Nigeria 2017-2019

: Maiduguri, Borno
Type of Evaluation: Mid Term Review
Sector: WASH, GBV and FSL
Period under Evaluation: Feb 2017- June 2019
Dates of MTR Evaluation: 14th October to 18th November

Purpose of the MTR
  • The main objective of the evaluation is to highlight successes and failures as well as key lessons learnt that could inform future projects while noting the challenges affecting effective and efficient implementation of the NCA Nigeria humanitarian response program. Additionally, the evaluation will develop practical recommendations for NCA and Nigeria project development.
Summary MTR:
  • Position Type: Consultancy
  • Mid-term Review: Mid Term Review (MTR) of NCA 2018-19 Humanitarian response to Peoples of Concern in Nigeria 
  • Responsible to: Head of Mission
  • Provisional Time Frame: 28 days (if field visit) including report writing 
  • Tentative Start date: 14th October 2019
  • NCA Approval of evaluation methodology and timeline: 18th October 2019
  • Deadline for submission of final evaluation report: 15th of November 2019
Introduction to the agreement under evaluation (if relevant):
  • In 2016 NCA signed the ongoing 2016-2018 Multi Year WASH Agreement with MFA. This programme is a continuation and further development of the previous WASH in emergencies programme funded by MFA. Focus in the current period is on improving capacities to increase timeliness and effectiveness of responses. NCA also works on strengthening its involvement in the WASH coordination structures at the global, national and subnational levels as key requirement for building good humanitarian responses.
Information About the Position
  • Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is seeking a consultant(s) to conduct an independent evaluation of NCA’s humanitarian response in Borno, Northern Nigeria, In 2017 NCA cooperated with ACT Alliance partner Christian Aid (CAID), NCA was responsible for GBV, NCA/CAID had joint responsibility for WASH, whereas CAID was responsible for the food security response. In late 2017 NCA obtained registration, and from 2018 NCA have implemented programs on GBViE and WASH directly and in cooperation with local partners.
Information About the contract:
  • NCA anticipates the evaluation consultancy will take place between October 2019 to mid-November 2019 finishing no later than November 20th, 2019. The evaluation will take place during the stated period, but the evaluation consultant(s) work is not expected to exceed 30 workdays. Expected deliverables are listed in the ToR.
Context and Program Background:
  • In February 2017 NCA initiated a humanitarian response in Borno, Northern Nigeria, in cooperation with ACT Alliance partner Christian Aid (CAID), being registered in Nigeria for several years. Under the partnership, NCA was responsible for GBViE whereas CAID was responsible for the food security response. Both NCA and CAID had joint responsibilities for WASH, but in different locations. In late 2017 NCA obtained temporary registration, and from 2018 NCA have implemented programs on GBViE and WASH directly and in cooperation with local partners.
  • The geographic focus in 2018 was largely in the North East of Nigeria focussing on five LGAs; Mafa and Dikwa (direct implementation) and Askira, Chibok and Konduga (through local partners) and targeting internally displaced populations as wells as vulnerable host communities. With support from UNHCR, NCA also established a refugee response in the southern region at the Cameroonian border, focussing only on WASH. The refugee response was, however, closed towards the end of 2018.
  • In 2019, NCA obtained full registration to operate in Nigeria, after witnessing a near twofold expansion in programs with additional three LGAs in NE Nigeria (Ngala, Monguno and Gwoza) added to the portfolio and more donors. Additionally, one more partner, FOMWAN, was engaged besides EYN and JDF
  • The main source of our funding to date has been Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA). Additional funding has been received from UNHCR (2018), UNICEF and Nigerian Humanitarian Fund (NHF) in 2019 as well as NCA own funds through Quick Impact Projects and Rapid Response mechanisms.
Job Description
The main responsibilities of the consultant/evaluation team leader will be:
  • Inform and consult the steering committee at all stages.
  • Carry out the evaluation according to the ToR and the contract;
  • Lead and coordinate the evaluation team;
  • Day-to-day management of the evaluation process;
  • Production of deliverables in accordance with contractual requirements and as listed in the ToR.
Scope of the MTR:
  • The review will aim to measure the progress made against NCA Nigeria program outcomes and key indicators, highlighting challenges and constraints that affect implementation and documenting the key lessons learnt. It will also provide a platform to participatorily identify opportunities to increase the impact of projects implemented.
  • Sustainable partnership development, engagement and partner implementation quality will also be reviewed. The review focuses on learning in order to make appropriate recommendations to improve future performance as well as determine how the three pillars of OECD/DAC - relevance, efficiency, and sustainability - were addressed in the program .Additionally, the MTR will also underscore the adherence to humanitarian benchmarks and provide evidence that:
    • The program is principled, need-based (appropriate and relevant) and is targeting the most vulnerable people
    • The program is timely, and effective
    • The program is technically measured against quality humanitarian standards in a context appropriate way, including IASC Guidelines
    • There is community participation at all stages throughout the project and functional feedback/complaints and information sharing mechanism is in place
    • M&E and learning strategies are in place and implemented using SMART indicators
    • Cross-cutting themes; conflict sensitivity, gender equity, climate change environment protection, are mainstreamed in project design and implementation.
  • The evaluation will focus on GBV as a thematic area of response throughout the life of the program from 2017 to July 2019. However, for WASH the evaluation will be confirmed to the period during which NCA directly implement WASH activities in North East. Food security will not be included in the evaluation as it was managed by Christian Aid, and only for a short period. 
Methodology of the Evaluation
Definition of the MTR evaluation methodology and tools to meet the evaluation purpose and scope will be the responsibility of the evaluator. The specific methodological approach and data-collection tools will be outlined in the inception report and in collaboration with the NCA’s evaluation steering group.

It is expected that the external evaluator will conduct a participatory review providing for meaningful involvement by direct beneficiaries and both IDPs host communities, relevant NCA staff, NCA Partners, UN Agencies and other interested parties as applicable. The evaluator should apply gender and conflict sensitive approaches, the specific measures of which must be detailed in the inception report. The evaluator will propose appropriate methodology for the review, which is expected to include:
  • Desk –top review of all program documentation & monitoring documents with analysis of the information. Stakeholder engagement; a participatory approach is highly recommended for tis review.
  • Field visit to at least four project sites for WASH/GBV sector interventions, including at least one site where implementation is through partner
  • Draft Final report debrief exercise as necessary for preparing the and Final Report
  • Final Report; the final report should consist of one-page recommendations, three pages executive summary and 25 pages presentation of findings
Key Focus Areas
The MTR will assess the Nigeria program according to standard evaluation criteria, as elaborated below:
  • Relevance: The goal of the WASH and GBViE interventions is appropriate and based on a systematic, objective, ongoing conflict-sensitive analysis of the defined needs developed in cooperation with relevant stakeholders and anchored in the local context.
  • Effectiveness: Internal NCA (HO and CO) management structures and processes ensured the effectiveness and timeliness of the humanitarian response delivery.
  • Efficiency: The relationship between the program costs and results were reasonable. Value for Money analysis of HO/expat costs and support costs within the total usage of project budgets vis-à-vis achievement of outputs and targets for receiving populations of concern.
  • Accountability: Feedback and Complaints Mechanism established, monitored, documented, evaluated and followed up. Anti-corruption measures been implemented to deter potential loss of assets and money.
  • Sustainability and Impact: Examine if progress so far has led to or could in the future catalyse beneficial development effects (i.e. income generation, gender equality and women’s empowerment, improved governance, community management of water resources etc...) that should be included in the project results framework and monitored on an annual basis.
  • Network /linkages: Evaluate the level, degree and representation/participation by the beneficiaries and stakeholders (government and donors, partners, peers) in the implementation of the project with particular attention to the development, testing of community-based approaches.
  • Lessons learnt/ Conclusions: Identify significant lessons or conclusions which can be drawn from the project in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and networking and demonstrate how such learning can be widely shared to improve NCA humanitarian programs.
  • Recommendations: Identify recommendations to address NCA Nigeria organizational learning and for the development of the NCA Nigeria humanitarian response program as well other humanitarian responses in similar settings.
Evaluation Questions
The research questions should reflect a combination of DAC and CHS core commitments for humanitarian response. A sample questions are provided below, but not exhaustive:
  • How and to what extent has the NCA humanitarian response addressed the needs of the target peoples of concern in Nigeria, by providing access to WASH facilities /services and GBV services and other humanitarian inputs?
  • How well has the humanitarian response integrated CHS core commitments – in project descriptions, budgets, Log frames, monitoring and reporting tools and in the project locations?
  • How well have the NCA projects addressed CHS#5 Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms (FCM) also linked to the (5) phases of FCM implementation
  • How have the projects addressed with operational measures -anti corruption mechanisms - and follow up with partners?
  • How have partner relations impacted project development?
  • Has the program been implemented in a cost-efficient manner with HO/expat costs and support costs within the total usage of project budgets vis-à-vis achievement of outputs?
  • What were the lessons learned, best practices and specific recommendation for future NCA WASH /GBV humanitarian responses in Nigeria and in similar settings elsewhere?
  • To what extent has conflict sensitivity approach been integrated in project design, implementation and review processes?
Management Arrangements:
  • The principal responsibility for managing this MTR resides with NCA Nigeria CO.
  • NCA Nigeria will contract the consultant(s). The NCA Nigeria Project Team will be responsible for liaising with the MTR team to provide all relevant documents, set up stakeholder interviews, and arrange field visits.
  • Minimum of five years of professional experience in evaluations
  • In-depth knowledge and experience about humanitarian response programmes, including WASH and GBV, with FSL as an added advantage.
  • Experience with cumulative case study approach and conducting surveys, interviews, focus group discussions and other data collection methods.
  • Formal training in methodology
  • Fluency in English, local languages of Borno - major languages State are Shuwa Hausa, Kanuri, and Marghi
Personal qualities:
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to produce concise documents of high quality.
  • High level of professionalism, including the ability to work independently, in teams and to adhere to deadlines
The skills and qualifications required for International Consultant (Team Leader):
  • The consultant /Team Leader will have overall responsibility for the work and operation of the evaluation /team.  The consultant/ Team Leader is responsible and overall accountable to produce the agreed outputs. 
  • The basis for the evaluators’ main conclusions must be clear and the methodology as outlined in the Inception Report must be clearly documented within the final report. 
  • Recommendations made must be based on clearly substantiated findings and stated in operational terms. They must address all issues identified by the evaluation mission, including changes in modalities, processes, strategies, focus and otherwise deemed necessary and appropriate
Desirable Qualifications:
  • Recent experience with result-based management evaluation methodologies (30%); 
  • Experience applying SMART indicators and reconstructing or validating baseline scenarios (20%);
  • Experience from Nigeria humanitarian response (10%);
  • Work experience in relevant technical areas of WASH and GBV and management for at least 5 years (20%);
  • Demonstrated understanding of issues related to gender and disaster risk/ climate change adaptation; experience in gender sensitive evaluation and analysis (10%).
  • Excellent communication skills (5%);
  • Demonstrable analytical skills (5%);
  • A Master’s degree in development study, disaster risk management, environmental science or other closely related field (10%).
Application Closing Date
5th October, 2019.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Application Package in English via email to: [email protected] Using the "Job Title" as the subject of the mail.

The Application Package should at a minimum contain:
  • Application letter including brief outline of proposed methodology
  • CVs of the proposed evaluation consultant(s)
  • A full budget (including proposed daily rate and travel costs)
  • Two samples of previous evaluations conducted on similar or related fields.
  • At least two references
Click Here to Download the Terms of Reference (TOR) - Pdf

Questions: Can be directed to Eric Okoth, Head of Mission via: [email protected]


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