Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) is the world’s leading international development organisation that works through volunteers to fight poverty. Working in 24 countries around the world, our unique role in international development is to place committed volunteers with carefully selected organisations where their skills can have the greatest impact.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Agriculture Extension Advisor - National Professional Volunteer
Location: Kano
Type of role: Agriculture and natural resources
Start Date: 15/07/2019
Description As a VSO volunteer you’ll live and work in some of the world’s poorest communities. By sharing your unique skills and experience you’ll help generate new ideas and new ways of doing things, helping the communities you work in lift themselves out of poverty. We’re not about delivering quick fixes, but instead we focus on long-lasting, sustainable change, that will impact generations to come. Join us as a VSO volunteer and help us work towards our vision of a world without poverty.
Job Purpose
The goal of this role is to increase income and income security for the poor and marginalized through more equitable participation in value chains.
You will be part of the implementation of the integrated livelihoods V4D grants through changes in selected value chains and training in Agriculture Extension Services with focus on value chain crops such as Cowpea, groundnut, millets and maize.
Job Responsibilities
Provide best practice agronomy training to farmers and farmer cooperatives
Contribute to the promotion of extension reforms and capacity development for partners with special attention to market-orientated, and participatory approaches that meet the diverse needs of smallholders and rural people, especially women and marginal groups.
Formulate and implement training that strengthen agricultural/rural extension and provide technical assistance in capacity development of agriculture innovation systems.
Prepare advocacy materials and documents to support the strengthening of agriculture innovation systems and support services.
Provide support in the organization and delivery of technical workshops, consultations, seminars and training sessions on conceptual and practical aspects of extension and rural knowledge institution improvements.
Contribute to the preparation of studies, position papers and conceptual frameworks that strengthen extension systems and agriculture innovation systems.
Maintain networks of collaboration with technical specialists.
Perform other related duties as required.
Internal Reporting:
Submit monthly plans and reports to VSO livelihoods Program Manager as well as VSO Project officer
Document and share successes and case stories, best practices and lessons learnt.
Input into quarterly donor reports
Participate in project planning and review meetings
Jointly with other VSO volunteers identifying and sharing areas of good practice acrossVSO V4D integrated Livelihoods program
Key Performance Indicator
The Key performance indicators of this placement are that:
Target beneficiaries are able to sustain their livelihoods and the livelihoods of their families. This includes managing their own businesses, supply their produce to the markets and are always able to meet the market demands by having adequate produce for identified markets.
Below includes number indicators:
Number of beneficiaries who have increased produce for the markets as a result of agriculture extension support and trainings received.
Number of beneficiaries who have increased their income and have businesses as a result of training and support received.
Number of beneficiaries able to reach the market demands through supplies of their produce.
Number of beneficiaries supported/reached.
Number of linkages along the value chain crops and value chain markets identified.
Building and Sustaining working relationships:The social skills to build and actively maintain working relationships that foster teamwork and collaboration with others for the benefit of a common goal.
Open Minded and Respectful: A non-judgemental approach that values other people and culture.
Seeking and Sharing Knowledge: Recognition that learning is a twoway and continuous process.
Facilitating Positive Change: The ability to analyse problems and develop lasting solutions in line with VSO approaches.
Adaptability: A flexible approach and the ability to adapt behaviour to different situations.
Resilience: The self-confidence to work with a variety of situations, diverse people and ambiguity.
Skills and Knowledge
Professional qualifications and experience:
A degree in the field of Agriculture, Business, other related field or equivalent experience
Minimum of 5 years relevant work experience
Experience and knowledge in agri-business sector, agricultural markets and value chains and marketing
Experience in supporting organisations to develop and implement strategic and business plans
Experience of working with/training low capacity teams