Amaiden Energy Nigeria Limited, (formerly Moody International Nigeria Limited) was established in 1996 as a partnership between Moody International Group and Nigerian investors. Since commencing operations in March 1997 the company continues to grow and exerts its presence in numerous Projects in the Nigeria Oil and Gas Industry.
The Operations Supervisor shall be responsible for the Supervision of all aspects of the FSO cargo and deck operations and FSO Component of mooring operations including but not limited to the following:-
Planning cargo loading sequence from production platform / concurrent loading and export operations - maintaining the structural integrity of the Ship by not compromising the maximum permissible bending moment , shear force and ship’s stability; monitoring real time bending moments, shear forces and stability on the Online mode of the NAPA loading computer.
Planning and supervision of routine crude oil washing operations of cargo tanks.
Planning and supervision of gas freeing operations of cargo tanks for personnel entry for inspection and repairs.
Planning and supervision water washing operations of cargo tanks.
Planning and supervision of slop dewatering operations.
Planning and supervision of ballasting and de-ballasting operations.
Delegating responsible person (pumpman) for joint ullage and temperature measurements for pre and post export cargo OBQ calculation.
Performing ullage calculations - using pre and post export lab. Results - for quantity discharged to export tanker.
Supervise the operating fiscal metering station for the export of crude oil; Supervise meter proving on each cargo stream in turn on automatic batch mode when fully ramped up to maximum rate to establish the meter factor on each cargo stream- in the Presence of Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) personnel.
Performing visual inspection of Tandem mooring hawsers, chafe chains and hoses prior to export.
Supervise all aspects of de-bottoming operations of cargo tanks to remove cargo free water in export cargo – prior to commencement of export operations.
The Ops. Sup. Will ensure Compliance with MPN contingency plan with regards to Soliton or Rip tide approach to the facility during export operations. Monitoring and co-ordination of internal/external communications and operations on a 24/7 basis.
Carrying out daily, weekly and monthly statutory GMDSS tests and documenting the result of tests in the GMDSS Log book with regards to:-
Search and rescue radar transponder (SART)
3cm and 10cm radars
The Ops. Spec. will be required to lead and assist in the activities required in maintaining license to operate - (American Bureau of Shipping Class and Statutory surveys) and (Marshall Islands Annual Safety Inspection)
Other responsibilities shall include but not limited to the following:
Provide an advanced level of safety, deck operations, cargo handling, and personnel development expertise.
Provide focal point for higher level cargo operations and deck maintenance assignments.
Incorporate OIMS procedures into all work efforts;
Participate in the Competency Assessment/Assurance process as well as provide mentoring to Technicians.
Develop proper load/discharge layouts to ensure safe and efficient cargo transfers.
Provide proactive capacity in addressing any typical situations/issues that might affect operability.
Be the regulatory point of contact for overboard discharges and materials handling efforts on/off/within the FSO.
Attend meetings and discussion groups and to advise on all aspects of cargo and deck operations.
Ensure that all the marine related activities on the FSO are conducted in accordance with requirements of MPN and with all due regard to Safety, Health and Environment protection
Ensure that all marine activities are conducted within the guidelines of the policies and procedures framework in accordance with OIMS.
Provide on the job training/mentoring to the Nigerian Nationals thus ensuring that they are fully conversant with the day to day deck operation onboard the FSO.
Main Functions
Works to assure the safe and efficient turnaround of gas carriers and condensate tankers. This will include assisting with the management and oversight of all associated critical contractors including tug, and port services providers.
Senior Deck Officer*: Vessel Admin, Regulatory Compliance, SSHE (Safety, Security, Health and Environment), Risk Management, Vessel Communications, Navigation, Ship handling, Cargo and Ballast Operations, Marine Quality Assurance
Senior Engine Officer*: Vessel Admin, Regulatory Compliance, SSHE, Marine Systems and Machinery and Equipment, Project Management, Planned Maintenance, Marine Quality Assurance
Operator / Technician**: Vessel Admin, SSHE, Risk Management, Machinery Operations and Machinery Maintenance, Cargo and Ballast Operations
Special Licensing and Certification required by Law to operate tank ships.
Special Licensing and Certification preferred or may be required or preferred for offshore installations and marine shore side positions including marine assignments supporting Upstream projects.
Tasks and Responsibilities
Leads department, assigns related duties.
Calculates vessel drafts, stability, and hull stresses to ensure compliance with maximum permissible limits.
Maintains the main deck, accommodation space and exterior of the vessel.
Proficient in the use of all navigation and communication equipment.
Proficient in the use of all emergency response equipment.
Advises the Chief Engineer of mechanical or electrical needs of the deck department.
Assists the Chief Engineer in the preparation of shipyard specifications related to the deck department.
Operate and maintain primary and aux marine systems.
Operate and troubleshoot machinery and equipment.
Assist vessel response and damage control.
Prepares repair specifications, work packages and project execution
Job Requirements
Deck Officer Licensing and Certification: Coast Guard License (Unlimited), Radar Observer, STCW (International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers), GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System), MMD (Merchant Mariner Document - any unlicensed deck rating, Tankerman-PIC (DL - dangerous liquids))
Engine Officer: Coast Guard License (Unlimited Steam/Motor as applicable), STCW, MMD (Any unlicensed engine rating, Refrigeration, Tankerman-Engine or PIC (DL))
10 years plus marine experience at a senior officer position required
5 years or more experience in the company operations organization preferred
University degree preferred
Behavioral Skills: adapts, makes sound decisions, manages risk, promotes inclusion.
Minimum of + 10 years sea going experience as a Deck officer on foreign going trading tankers with greater than 100k DWT with valid Class II Certificate of Competency with valid Dangerous cargo endorsement, or higher Certificate of Competency (COC) and Marshall Islands equivalent certification. The Operations Supervisor will have a thorough knowledge of all regulations commensurate with holding the above COC.