Posted on Thu 10th May, 2018 - --- (0 comments)
Christian Aid (CA) is a UK-based international NGO, partnering with others to end poverty in Africa. At the heart of this vision is the transformation of the lives of people who live in poverty, empowering them to have a brighter future. Christian Aid works in more than 30 countries and has been operating in Nigeria since 2003. The Nigeria Country programme focuses on Community Health and HIV, Accountable Governance including humanitarian response and Gender.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Consultant - Audio-Visual Documentary Production
Locations: Konshisha, Kwande, Obi and Okpokwu LGAs in Benue State
Type of Contract: Short-term Consultancy
Christian Aid Nigeria’s Partnership for Improved Child Health project also known as PICH aims to reduce infant morbidity and mortality rates by increasing access to healthcare and removing delay in treatment of children below the age of five. The project makes use of the Integrated Community Case Management (iCCM) strategy which places trained Community Resource Persons (CORPs) in hard to reach communities and equips them with medical supplies to provide treatment to children below the age of five for malaria, diarrhoea and pneumonia. The CORPs also check malnutrition in children below the age of five, providing nutritional advice where required, administering ready to use therapeutic food where required and referring extreme cases for treatment at health facilities. Community Development Committees have also been either established or resuscitated to oversee that activities of the Community Resource Persons as well as advocate for improved health services in the communities where the PICH project is implemented.
The PICH project is funded UK Department for International Development and is implemented in partnership with the Government of Benue and two community based organisations – Ohonyeta Caregivers and Jireh Doo Foundation - in four local governments namely: Konshisha, Kwande, Obi and Okpokwu Local Government Areas of Benue State.
The project is currently in its second year and Christian Aid is looking for a documentary consultant to record the successes of the project to, highlight the impact on the lives of members of beneficiary communities and understudy the challenges faced by the communities with respect to child health. Some of the key stakeholders on this project are: Community Resource Persons, caregivers, Community Leaders, Christian Aid staff, partner staff, Primary Healthcare workers in project communities, Staff from Federal Ministry of Health, State Ministry of Health, National Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Benue Primary Healthcare Development Agency, UK Department for International Development.
Purpose of Consultancy
The Consultant will showcase a synopsis of the impact of the Partnership for Improve Child Health project by documenting audio-visual evidence from the four (4) Local Government Areas in Benue State where the PICH project is implemented.
Objectives of the Documentary
Develop, produce and submit an 8 minute documentary showcasing the success of the Partnership for Improved Child Health project in taking affordable and accessible healthcare within easy reach of under-five children in hard to reach communities by interviewing beneficiaries like caregivers, community resource persons, CDCs, Community Leaders, stakeholders from the Federal Ministry of Health, State Primary Healthcare Development Board, Christian Aid Staff and Partner Staff
Highlight the barriers to access to affordable, holistic health care services in the beneficiary community
Highlight issues that remain a threat to the health of vulnerable population (children under five and women) in the beneficiary communities
Document calls to action to the government from people in the community to stakeholders to step-in and support the work done by Christian Aid to ensure sustainability
An 8 minute documentary (with subtitles) highlighting impact of the PICH project on the children under the age of five, the Community Resource Persons, the Caregivers, Community Leaders and the entire community. The documentary should also highlight barriers to health access in the project communities as well as issues that pose threats to the health of the children. The Documentary should combine voiceover and testimonial using the story format.
Two shorter montage videos that can be used on social media. The videos will tell specific human stories of how the PICH project positively impacts life. How the project has affected a community resource person’s (CORP) life, service to community, status, sense of usefulness etc. Video should not be more than 2 minutes or less than 3 minutes.
Still photos documenting the work done by the Community Resource Persons, the conditions of children in the communities where we work, the lives of the caregivers who access the services on behalf of their children and the overall outlook of the communities where we work. Photos must include the name of the subject and a caption relevant to the photo.
At least five, one minute video clips for use on Social Media. Clips must contain any of the following: a testimony on the impact of the project, quotes from beneficiaries for the implementers of the project, comparisons on life in the communities before and after the commencement of the project, requests from the communities where there are any.
All photos, video clips and documentaries will be presented to Christian Aid Nigeria in a hard drive.
Consent must be sought from all respondents during the interview process and the consultant is required to submit signed consent from the respondents at the end of the process
Where translation is required, the consultant must engage the services of a translator at no extra charge to Christian Aid Nigeria and ensure that finished work is presented in English language with sub-titles.
Key Requirements
An inception report detailing work plan, timelines and resources required for completion of the job by the consultant as well as a list of stakeholders/beneficiaries to be interviewed will be required from the successful applicant before the work is commenced.
Terms of Engagement:
Budget should be all inclusive; Christian Aid will not be responsible for accommodation, feeding or transportation to the State
Christian Aid will convey the consultant to all locations within Benue State.
All photos, video clips, documentary, raw files remain the exclusive right of Christian Aid Nigeria
50% of the total cost agreed will be paid at the commencement of the process, 50% will be paid on satisfactory completion of the job
A 10% withholding tax will be deducted from the total amount agreed
All production costs incurred will be covered from the consultancy fee
The documentary must be completed within three weeks from the day the consultant is engaged.
Application Closing Date
17th May, 2018.
How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Proposals/Applications, which should include the following below to: , The title of the email should be PICH Project Documentary.
Note: Proposals, detailed budget and links to previous work should be sent in in the same mail for review.