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Independent Consultant (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management) at Christian Aid (CA) - 3 Positions

Posted on Tue 08th May, 2018 - --- (0 comments)

Christian Aid (CA) is a UK-based international NGO, partnering with others to end poverty in Africa. At the heart of this vision is the transformation of the lives of people who live in poverty, empowering them to have a brighter future. Christian Aid works in more than 30 countries and has been operating in Nigeria since 2003. The Nigeria Country programme focuses on Community Health and HIV, Accountable Governance including humanitarian response and Gender.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Independent Consultant on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Selected LGAs

Benue, Kaduna and Plateau States
Consultancy: Situational Survey on Disaster Management/Context Analysis of Benue, Kaduna and Plateau States
Type of Contract: Short-term (6 weeks)
Programme/Team: ECHO HIP, Governance Team

Background and Purpose of Consultancy
  • Christian Aid Nigeria is implementing an intervention aiming to contribute to improving emergency preparedness, timeliness and quality of risk information and response actions for multiple natural hazards by ward, government (local to federal) and NGOs in a coordinated manner
  • The action will focus on 27 rural locations across 9 LGAs of 3 States of Benue, Kaduna and Plateau
  • It will be centred on Improving Early Warning and Early Response. Needs assessments, focussed on natural hazards, reveal critical gaps in National Disaster response which is not fully informed by comprehensive integrated context specific Early Warning Systems (EWS) particularly for flooding hazards.
  • Therefore, the purpose of this consultancy is to carry out baseline studies, context analysis of the States in relation to natural disasters risk management, operations, preparedness, response and coordination by state and non-state actors from the communities to Local Government, State and Federal levels.
  • The objective of this study is to undertake a baseline survey on natural disaster cases (flooding, erosion, famine etc), responses and management in Benue, Kaduna and Plateau State.
Specific Objectives include:
  • To identify the specific natural disaster index, management and response in the States
  • To identify existing mechanisms, support systems and challenges in the management of natural disasters across the States, LGAs and communities
  • Identify and review in each State, existing disaster management structures viz-a-viz coordination, capacity, response, strength, weaknesses and opportunities available.
  • Identify (where available), weaknesses and strengths of State Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework/policy.
  • Identify relevant community, LGA and State level structures working on disaster management, victims support system and integration.
  • Identify existing early warning systems, functionality and effectiveness across the communities, LGAs and States.
  • Evaluate remote and immediate causes of natural disasters in the LGA and communities.
  • Evaluate the effects of natural disaster on households in the communities engaging the Participatory Vulnerability Capacity Assessment
  • To evaluate the frequencies, effects and responses from state and non-state actors.
  • To evaluate community vulnerability, aggregate victims’ data, disaggregated by household, sex and status
The baseline will focus on the support provided by CA to the implementation of the project, and to priority project intervention areas. It will also analyse opportunities beyond the current Project, with the aim to inform Benue, Kaduna and Plateau States government project intervention in a more holistic way. It will focus on the following components:
  • Coordination among state and non-state actors
  • Enhanced governments’ response to disaster management through policy framework
  • Training gaps, capacity building and mentorship
  • Institutionalised Early Warning System on disaster management and risk reduction
  • Establishment and strengthening of supervisory state and community-based structures.
Consultant will also support the establishment of base line figures for some of the indicators under specific objectives and result areas for the work (log frame will be made available)

Key Responsibilities (Tasks)
  • To coordinate a baseline assessment working with CA staff, utilising data collection tools
  • To take the lead in coordinating a study on the disaster risk reduction and management in Benue, Kaduna and Plateau States.
  • To undertake a literature review utilising publicly available information and documentation
  • To oversee data collation and entry, and to undertake data analysis
  • Identify potentials, approaches, supports and techniques for specific disaster risk reduction, mitigation and management across the communities, LGAs and States.
  • Present the findings to CA
The methodology shall ensure adoption of participatory approaches that will involve all key stakeholders at different levels as follows:
  • Questionnaire: Identified enumerators to administer already developed survey questionnaire and submit results to Consultant for technical analysis.
  • A pre-test of Questionnaire in at least four communities across each target state.
  • Focus Group Discussions: Focus group discussions to take place in not less than 12 locations across the three target states (divided into 3-4 focus groups. Consultant to decide with MEAL Coordinator on group formation.)
  • Literature review/ Data collection - Consultant will work with CA staff to retrieve relevant documentation that will be used to undertake a literature review
  • Key Informant Interviews (KII) - Using the already drafted questions, consultant and CA staff will work on developing a list of identified key informants that the KIIs will be administered to. Interviews conducted and results submitted to consultant for analysis.
Expected Output
An inception report, outlining the key scope of the work and intended work plan of the analysis, shall be submitted with the expression of interest before commencing the consultancy. The inception report should detail the consultants’ understanding of what is to be analysed and why, showing how the baseline will be conducted question will be answered by way of: proposed methods; proposed sources of data; and data collection procedures. The inception report should include a proposed schedule of tasks, activities and deliverables. The inception report will be discussed and agreed upon by Christian Aid governance a team. The following shall be expected at the end of the baseline
  • A detailed report containing information around occurrence, management (including existing structures, policies, strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats), effects on the people, and recommendations to strengthening coordination from community to federal levels including applicable and practicable sustainable, inclusive EWS in Benue, Kaduna and Plateau States (in both electronic and paper-based format).
  • A first draft report on the exercise should be provided to Christian Aid, Nigeria for feedback. The consultant(s) will be required to make a presentation of the main findings and conclusions of the draft report to Christian Aid, Nigeria.
  • The final report that describes the assessment and puts forward the consultant’s findings and shall be provided within 6 weeks paid consultancy periods (excluding weekends) after the signing of the agreement. The report shall consist of:
  • Executive summary of not more than 3 pages (including a list of the recommendations with their priority level)
  • The main body of the report should not exceed 40 pages (Excluding annexes)
  • Suggested recommendations, which are expected to focus on, and be limited to, the main issues
  • The report shall also include a list of abbreviations and acronyms used in the report and attached as annexes, a list of persons and institution/organizations consulted during the assessment.
  • Data gathering tools used/engaged
  • Photos of people interviewed (field interview photos)
  • Name, contacts and phone numbers of relevant state and non-state actors (including women) in each of the focal state.
  • Compile final reports in line with the guidelines set out and submit data collection materials, a soft copy of the report and analysis outputs in a CD
Quality Assurance
  • The consultant is responsible to ensure data validity, consistency and accuracy and to submit reports written in good Standard English
  • If these standards are not met, the consultant will, at his/her own expense, make the necessary amendments to bring the reports to the required standards.
Lines of Reporting/Position in Team
  • Consultant will work closely and report to CA MEAL Coordinator
Timeline for Deliverables
  • Debrief with CA: on the week of (May 18th). This exercise should involve a discussion between the consultant and CA of the methodology and work-plan, sampling criteria, proposed key informant samples and data collection tools.
  • Draft report: by (June 21st). The draft report should include initial findings, conclusions and recommendations.
  • Final report: by (June 28th).
Consultant Competencies and Required Skills
The consultant(s) must be available in the States to carry out the assessment. The deadline for the report will be (July 2nd).
Christian Aid is seeking individual with:
  • Demonstrable experience of producing high-quality, credible research/assessments (sample report of such is required).
  • Excellent spoken and written English (knowledge about the target state language is an advantage)
  • Understanding and experience of working with state and non-state actors (at all levels) and international organizations
  • Ability to show evidence of prior activity i.e. research or trainings over a period on disaster management analysis (Expertise in advocacy and policy analysis around social inclusion is a priority).
  • Demonstration of experience and acceptance by community members in its implementing
  • Knowledge of research and monitoring and evaluation methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative
  • Knowledge of governance and conflict issues (desirable)
  • Excellent computer skills
  • The individual’s or his/her organisation’s work respond to the needs and interests of poor and marginalised women, men, aged, people living with disabilities and other forms of diversity
Budget and Terms of Engagement
  • Christian Aid will cover for the necessary accommodation and transportation costs incurred by the Consultant according to our in-country rates where necessary
  • All other costs incurred will be covered from the consultancy fee. (60%)% initial payment will be made (when the contract is signed) at the commencement of the job while balance payment will be paid upon receipt of a SATISFACTORY final report. 5% withholding tax will be deducted at source for individual consultancy and 10% for an organizational consultancy from the total cost of the consultancy fee.
Application Closing Date
5:00pm, 11th May, 2018.

Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit their Proposals/Applications, which should include the following below to:
  • A Cover Letter introducing the researcher/organisation and how the skills and competencies described above are met, with concrete examples.
  • A 2-page outline of the proposed assessment process and methodology.
  • An overview of consultant’s academic qualifications/CVs and relevant experience to be included.
  • An example of a previous assessment/research report and 2 references from organizations where assessment/research was conducted.
  • Proposed budget and timeline
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and only firms/applicants' resident in NIGERIA are eligible to apply.


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