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Endline Evaluation Consultant at Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI)

Posted on Wed 14th Feb, 2018 - --- (0 comments)

Premiere Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapses, by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Endline Evaluation Consultant

Maiduguri, Borno
Reporting to: FSL coordinator
Work with: FSL program managers, , MEAL coordinator
Duration: 35 days
Start date: March 5th 2018
End date: 6th  April, 2018
Project Name: Supporting internally displaced persons (IDPS) and vulnerable host communities to improve Food and Nutrition Security in Borno and Yobe states, Nigeria
Cluster: Food security
Short Assignment: Conduct an endline evaluation

  • Première Urgence International (PUI), ZOA and COOPI are international Non-Governmental Organization whose mission is to help civilians who are marginalized or excluded as a result of natural disasters, war and economic collapse.
  • Since 2016 the three organizations have been responding to the needs of crisis affected people in Borno and Yobe State through a comprehensive integrated approach, targeting the people’s affected by the crisis with means of subsistence (Food Security and Livelihood) and access to the basic services (Primary Health Care and Nutrition).
  • For the purpose of effective coordination in the delivery of emergency support to the most vulnerable, PUI, COOPI AND ZOA formed a consortium with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal. PUI and ZOA food security and nutrition programs are being implemented in Bollori II Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Borno State, COOPI is also implementing similar program in Bade, Geidam and Yunusari Local Government Authorities in Yobe State,
  • The three partner’s food security and nutrition programs are being funded by the United States Govt. (Food for Peace-FFP) targeting a total of 9,657 which include the population of all age in a household. The FFP program is being implemented through Food assistance using E-vouchers (RedRose platform) and community sensitization on nutrition. This platform allows beneficiaries to access a wide range of food items in the designated vendors to buy what they need and when they need it.
  • The overall goal is to Support internally displaced persons (IDPs) and vulnerable host communities to improve food and nutrition security. Specifically, the program aims to achieve the following outcomes.
  • Outcome 1: The Food Security of the most vulnerable households has improved
Expected result:
  • 68,680 of target beneficiaries enabled to meet their basic food needs
  • 80% of target beneficiaries have reached acceptable FCS
  • 100% of target beneficiaries have received their functioning E-cards
  • Average households dietary diversity score (HDDS) has improved from 3.3-5
  • Outcome 2: The nutritional security of the most vulnerable household has improved
Expected result:
  • 2200 people trained in child health and nutrition through USG supported programs
  • 2200 Children from 6 to 59 month screened with MUAC during the project cycle.
  • 180 Lead Mother trained in IYCF promotion and MUAC screening
  • 2200 PLW identified who know and adopt at least 4 optimal IYCF practices
  • Purpose and Scope of the Outcome Evaluation
  • The purpose of the evaluation is to gather information that will enable the consortium to improve future program design in FSL and provide a basis for modification and enhance decision making. The consortium has developed indicators for measuring the two outcomes outlined above. As the project ends in April 2018, the consortium intends to undertake an outcome evaluation which will assess the:
  • Inclusiveness, did the program adhere to diversity in all its implementation phases
  • Relevance: Was E-voucher the most appropriate modality of cash transfer? Did this programme effectively reach the most vulnerable households? Did the project address the highest priority needs of the affected population?
  • Efficiency: Were the various modalities cost-effective? Were adequate human and financial resources applied to delivering project outcomes? Were outputs delivered in a timely fashion?
  • Effectiveness: Was the programme sufficiently adaptable to a fluid and insecure context to deliver outputs in a timely fashion and sufficiently achieve targets? Were the monitoring mechanisms effective in providing timely data to inform programming decisions? To what extent did the project meet its targets and deliver outputs?
  • Accountability: what type and level of actions taken by the roles and the level of input to meeting project outcomes.
Specific objectives of the evaluation
  • The evaluation will examine the short and medium-term outcome of the project on household food security and identify critical lessons to inform future programming decisions. Where possible, the outcomes analysis will compare the inclusiveness, relevancy, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of the constellation of interventions implemented.
Two main objectives have been identified:
  • Assess the relevancy, appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of consortium response to food insecurity in the wake of the humanitarian crisis in Borno and Yobe State in north eastern Nigeria in the short and medium term. The following five dimensions will be explored under this specific objective:
  • To assess the change in the nutrition knowledge levels, attitudes and skills as a result of programs intervention interventions
  • To identify any other changes at household level, intended or unintended, which have resulted from the programme
  • To provide insights into progress against set targets of the programme
  • To examine how and why the programme has or has not contributed to the outcomes
  • To provide recommendations to the consortium on what strategies should be adopted in order to achieve project outcomes.
  • Identify and compile lessons learnt throughout the lifespan of the project to inform future programme design in similar context. The following two dimensions will be explored under this specific objective:
  • What were the key factors of success and how can these be replicated?
  • Compare other similar project, what were the lessons learnt from them?
  • The evaluation will use a mixed method approach consisting of both qualitative and quantitative data collection. The consultant will make extensive use of the available monitoring and evaluation data collected by project staff in Maiduguri. This will include, where available, project surveys and assessments, baseline, project reports, post distribution monitoring and findings from beneficiary feedback mechanisms.
  • The consultant is expected to review the above background documentation as part of the desk review phase of the study. A strong part of the information will come from the field data collection. The evaluation will be conducted, using participatory methods to collect qualitative data, triangulated for validation.
  • Aligning with the content of the scope of work shared for this study, the consultant will develop the methodology, the data collection tools and propose the team set up for data collection, to be validated by the consortium FSL leads and MEAL leads. The consultant and his/her team will collect primary data through direct interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) with project beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
Roles & Responsibilities
The consultant/s will be responsible for:
  • Drafting inception report
  • Leading the Desk Review
  • Methodology and tools development/ finalization
  • Field evaluation process
  • Writing and validation of the report.
  • The Project Managers will help him/her to identify the relevant actors for interviews and field visits and will provide the consultant with available documentation. PUI and ZOA in Maiduguri and COOPI in Yobe.
Key Deliverables:
  • Inception report
  • Methodology used to conduct the research
  • Data collection tools including FGD guide ahead of field work
  • Data analysis and presentation of preliminary findings
  • Final Report (minimum of 10 pages and a maximum 15 pages, excluding executive summary table of contents and annexes.
Sample Size:
  • The consultant/s will determine the appropriate sample sizes considering the geographical areas, targeted groups, and the homogeneity of the target population.
  • This consultancy is starting in early March 2018 with approximately (35) days of consultancy. Consultant is requested to remain available for reviews and improvements until the piece of work is validated by the consortium.
  • A proper work plan will be developed with the consultant/s.
  • Activity Location Days
  • Preparation of survey protocols, developing tools and collection of secondary data Maiduguri Coordination Office 6
  • Data collection and entry Maiduguri 16
  • Analysis and Submission of Preliminary Report Maiduguri 7
  • Submit final Report Maiduguri 6
  • Total 35 Days
General conditions of the consultancy
  • PUI will provide accommodation for the consultant in team guest houses while in Maiduguri and COOPI will provide the same in Yobe state.
  • Meals and other incidentals will be responsibility of the consultant (s)
  • The consultant will conduct his/her work using his/her own computer.
  • Other miscellaneous costs directly related to the task that can include photocopying of questionnaires, etc. shall be covered by consortium. Any cost needs to have prior approval from the consortium.
  • The movement of the consultant and team to and from the field will be facilitated by the consortium (PUI in Maiduguri and COOPI in Yobe).
  • The cost related to travel from/ to Field of the survey teams will be covered by the consortium.
  • Payments will be paid in two instalments; First Instalment 30% and the remaining 70% as the final instalment, first instalment will be paid after completion and validation of the survey methodology and final instalment will be paid after production of acceptable deliverables as outlined in this TOR.
Minimum Qualifications
At the minimum, the consultant/s must possess the following:
  • Advanced Degree in Livelihoods/Nutrition or equivalent.
  • Over 5 years’ proven experience undertaking food security and nutrition data collection, analysis and reporting.
  • Have proven knowledge and practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Excellent organising, facilitating, presentation and communication skills.
  • Excellent report writing skills.
  • Experience working in northern Nigeria/emergency areas.
  • PUI will provide security briefing and security information for the Maiduguri context and COOPI for the Yobe context on a regular basis. The consultant will receive prior to arrival Nigeria Safety Management Plan (SMP) with the welcome kit to facilitate early familiarization; this SMP includes procedures of safety & security management with an updated context analysis of the situation in country and security risks mitigations.
  • The consultant will receive a Nigerian mobile that has relevant contact numbers of the team and will be coordinating with safety focal point during the trip. Upon arrival in Abuja the consultant will receive a detailed security brief.
Application Closing Date
Not Specified.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should send their Applications, using the Expression of Interest Form (EOI) attached to: , CC: , , , .


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