Pact is an international non-governmental organization with headquarters in Washington DC, USA. Pact has been in Nigeria since 2005, and currently implements donor funded development projects across the country in the area of Health, integrating livelihoods, capacity development, and governance systems.
Pact is seeking highly experienced and qualified candidates to fill in the positions below for the upcoming State2State $38,000,000 USD project which will increase effectiveness, accountability and transparency of selected states and local governments in Nigeria.
We are inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position below:
Job Title: Consultant - Evaluation of PROMOT II’s Partnership with Existing Women’s Groups in Hard-To-Reach Communities in Bayelsa State
Location: Bayelsa
Job Description
- Pact West Africa (Nigeria) is seeking proposals for the qualitative evaluation of PROMOT II’s Partnership with Existing Women’s Groups in Hard-To-Reach Communities in Bayelsa State
- You are invited to submit technical and financial proposals for the requested services.
- Specific instructions to enable you to develop and submit a proposal for this assignment can be found in the “Terms of Reference” (ToR) section below.
Terms of Reference
- Pact is soliciting proposals from a qualitative evaluation expert (“the firm”) to conduct an Evaluation of PROMOT II’s Partnership with Existing Women’s Groups in Hard-To-Reach Communities in Bayelsa State (‘the study”)
- This Terms of Reference (TOR) summarizes the responsibility of the firm.
- Pact is implementing a two-year Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV project (PROMOT II) in Bayelsa state. The project, funded by Chevron, commenced operations in May 2016, and focuses on: improving antenatal care (ANC) seeking behaviour and the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) among women of reproductive age (15 - 49 years); and strengthening the organizational capacity of community groups to demand accountability and improved quality of health services from local health authorities in 20 selected communities.
- To achieve its goal the project collaborates with Bayelsa State Ministry of Health (SMoH), 12 existing women’s groups, and community structures of governance to implement project activities in target communities.
- The 12 existing women’s groups are directly funded by PROMOT II to disseminate PMTCT and ANC messages to women of reproductive age via home visits and mass mobilization activities in their communities. These 12 women’s groups are informal, have been in existence before the commencement of the PROMOT II project, mainly meeting regularly for social and personal purposes, and have about 20 to 25 members each.
- Traditionally, Pact Nigeria collaborates with local civil society organizations to implement activities in communities. The organization’s approach under PROMOT II, i.e. working with and directly funding existing women’s groups to implement activities in target communities, is new. This approach was tested because partnership with such local groups has potential to deepen and ensure long-term sustainability of program benefits. It also ensures local human resources remain in communities to carry on development work when project funds end.
- This document gives an overview of the plan for the evaluation of PROMOT II’s partnership with these 12 women groups. It summarizes the purpose, proposed evaluation questions, learning objectives, methodology, and timeline of the evaluation. For more information about the PROMOT project, please see details in the Appendix.
Rationale for the Evaluation
- The partnership with existing women’s groups provides an opportunity to learn and build new institutional knowledge for Pact and donors. There is a need to document the experience of PROMOT II and the viability of the approach for future programs.
Purpose of the Evaluation
- This evaluation is intended to generate learnings, as well as build new knowledge and institutional capacity for Pact Nigeria, Chevron, and the Bayelsa SMoH.
Evaluation Questions
The evaluation will be guided by the question below:
- Generating demand for ANC and HIV/AIDS PMTCT: What did we learn from strengthening and directly funding existing women’s groups to conduct PMTCT outreaches in hard-to-reach communities in Bayelsa state?
- How did PROMOT II identify and engage existing women’s groups for social development work in hard-to-reach communities in Bayelsa state?
- How effective where the women’s groups under PROMOT II in achieving set goals?
- What factors are associated with the effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, and transparency of existing women’s groups when funded to implement health education activities?
- What are the benefits and challenges of utilizing existing women’s groups for social development interventions in hard-to-reach rural communities?
Evaluation Objectives
The objectives are to:
- Document the principles of identifying, engaging, and directly funding existing women’s groups to implement health development programs in hard-to-reach communities
- Document the factors that ensure the effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, and transparency of existing women’s groups when they are funded to implement HIV/PMTCT and ANC programs in their communities
- Assess the benefits and challenges of partnering and directly funding existing’s women’s groups to implement health development activities in hard-to-reach communities
Evaluation Approach and Methodology:
- The evaluation will utilize appropriate qualitative methods to answer the evaluation questions. We expect the methodology to include focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The firm is to provide more details on the specific approaches and methodology to achieve the purpose and objectives of the evaluation.
- The approach and methodology used by the firm must include, but is not limited to:
- Relevant methods suitable to respond to the evaluation questions, including appropriate purposive sampling techniques
- A quality assurance plan for all data collection methods, tools, processes, and analysis.
- Time-frame for the field work, analysis, development of the report of the evaluation, and the final submission of the field report to Pact Nigeria.
- Limitations of the approach and methodology proposed
Stakeholders and Expected Involvement:
- The main stakeholders of the evaluation are: Chevron Nigeria Limited, State Ministry of Health Bayelsa, Bayelsa State Agency for the Control of HIV/AIDS; and Pact
- The PROMOT II project will involve the main stakeholders in the review of evaluation plans, questions, methodology and report. Only PROMOT II will engage the external vendor and have overall oversight of the implementation of the evaluation.
Deliverables and Timelines
The consultant shall be responsible for the writing and submission of the final evaluation report and all other deliverables expected during the evaluation process. An outline of the evaluation report will be will be agreed on between the evaluators and the proposed evaluation committee before the commencement of field work.
Pact will not make final payment to the evaluation firm until all deliverables are completed. Specifically, the deliverables to be provided by the evaluation firm are:
- Operational/logistics plan
- Interview guides in English and translated to Pidgin English
- A database of data collected during the field work, to include:
- Tape recorded interviews
- Transcription of all audio recordings
- Translations of all transcriptions (in English)
- All notes from interviews transcribed and translated (into English)
- Final evaluation report template
- Draft evaluation report for input from key stakeholders
- Final evaluation report
The evaluation is expected to have ended by the first week of April, 2018 with the submission of the final evaluation report to Pact Nigeria. The table below shows a tentative time-frame:
Activities Responsible:
- Persons Time (2018)
- Operational/logistic plan Evaluator Feb 26
- Data collection tools and/or interview guides Evaluator Feb 27
- Submission of study protocol IRB approval Evaluator Mar 02
- Template for report writing Evaluator
- Evaluators Mar 07
- Field work for data collection Evaluator Mar 26
- Database of data collected during the field work
- Evaluator Mar 30
- Draft evaluation report Evaluator Apr 02
- Tape recorded interviews, audio transcriptions, translations of all transcriptions, and all notes from interviews transcribed and translated into English. Evaluator Apr 06
- Final evaluation report Evaluators Apr 06
Key Tasks for the Firm
The tasks to be completed by the evaluation firm include, but are not necessarily limited to the following:
- Review background documents related to PROMOT (the PROMOT II predecessor project) and PROMOT II, as well as relevant literatures on self-help groups (SHGs)
- If needed, update the list of evaluation questions that will allow Pact to meet the evaluation objectives.
- Present for approval by Pact, an updated evaluation plan and design following the review of documents
- Obtain IRB approval before field work
- Meet and interview relevant program staff and members of SHGs in hard-to-reach riverine communities in Bayelsa State
- Implement the Pact-Approved Evaluation Plan.
- Proactively inform Pact of any significant modifications to the intervention/project that could affect the evaluation and any difficulties that may arise in implementing the approved evaluation design.
- Submit a final evaluation report.
Selection Process and Criteria
This procurement is subject to a competitive process. All technical and financial proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Criteria Maximum Points Weight
- Technical approach and methodology 100 35%
- Draft study implementation plan 100 15%
- Evaluator’s experience around similar assignment 100 35%
- Budget 100 15%
- Total 400 100%
- Pact will select and award the contract to the firm with the highest combined score. Pact however reserves the right to assess the bidder’s capabilities and capacity to execute the services satisfactorily before deciding on the award.
- Major cost drivers will cover consultant’s daily fee and travel costs. Pact will bear the cost of printing and disseminating the final evaluation report
- Pact will not provide logistic support and expects the consultant to work independently.
- The consultant will report to Pact’s Director for Monitoring Evaluation Research and Learning, who will be responsible for communicating with the wider Pact team.
Data Ownership:
- Data collected through this contract will be solely owned by PACT. Consultant(s) may not use this data for any purpose outside of this scope of work (SOW) unless permission is given explicitly in writing.
Competency and Expertise of Consultants / Firms Requirements
The following qualifications and skills will guide selection of the consultant / firm:
- The firm must have cognate experience in evaluating community empowerment interventions using qualitative methods.
- The lead person in the firm for this work must have the following:
- An Advanced Degree in Development Studies, Social Science, or other relevant fields.
- Excellent qualitative research skills and extensive knowledge of appropriate evaluation methods
- Advanced knowledge and ability to use qualitative data analysis software like NVIVO
- Minimum of seven years of relevant experience planning and implementing qualitative studies including data analysis.
- Demonstrable technical report writing skills
- Ability to travel long distances on water and familiarity with Bayelsa or the Niger Delta
- Knowledge of gender issues and women economic empowerment
Application Closing Date
12pm WAT, 18th February, 2018.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their Proposals electronically to: The Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted as separate attachments, in the same mail.
Your proposal must be in English and comprise of:
A Technical Proposal:
- At a minimum, the technical proposal should include, but is not limited to:
- The proposed approach, methodology, sampling, staffing, analysis, and deliverable(s) for the assignment and comments on the Terms of Reference, if any (max 4 pages);
- Proposed implementation plan for the evaluation;
- Up-to-date curriculum vitae of key personnel(s) engaged in the assignment; and
- Evidence of experience conducting similar works
Financial Proposals:
- A detailed budget in Excel stating the amount to be charged for personnel time and all activities related to the assignment, which should be quoted in Naira.
- Pact places great emphasis on ensuring that objectives of work assignments are met. Accordingly, in evaluating the proposals for this assignment, attention will focus first and foremost on the technical elements of the bids
- From those proposals deemed suitable, Pact shall select the proposal that offers the organization best value for money
- Should you need further clarifications, kindly send all questions to:
- It is your responsibility to ensure your proposals are received by Pact on or before the deadline
- We sincerely look forward to receiving your proposals.