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Consultant - Multimedia Content Gathering at Christian Aid (CA)

Posted on Fri 22nd Dec, 2017 - --- (0 comments)

Christian Aid (CA) is a UK-based international NGO, partnering with others to end poverty in Africa. At the heart of this vision is the transformation of the lives of people who live in poverty, empowering them to have a brighter future. Christian Aid works in more than 30 countries and has been operating in Nigeria since 2003. The Nigeria Country programme focuses on Community Health and HIV, Accountable Governance including humanitarian response and Gender.

We are recruiting to fill the position below:

Job Title: Consultant - Multimedia Content Gathering for Christian Aid Humanitarian Response in Konduga

Konduga LGA, Borno

Type of Contract: Short-term
  • Background and purpose of consultancy Christian Aid Nigeria is currently implementing interventions to support the on-going humanitarian response in the Northeast. These interventions are funded by multiple donors with varying communications needs fuelled by the need to demonstrate success on each project and fundraise by evidencing action, value for money and tangible results in the lives of beneficiaries.
  • Therefore, the purpose of this consultancy is to gather on-site multimedia content; specifically, still images and audio-visual content that will showcase on-going work as well as tell the story of those who have benefitted from an ECHO funded project being implemented by Christian Aid and partners. Content gathered will showcase tangible results of the intervention in the lives of beneficiaries in Borno state.
Specific Objectives Of The Consultancy
  • To provide audio-visual and photo footage of project activities, specifically cash transfer to IDPs, water points and sanitation facilities, distribution of non-food items and hygiene kits to IDPs and Hygiene promotion activities.
  • The coverage will clearly showcase the funders of the project through the visibility materials provided by staff.
  • To produce an audio-visual case study to demonstrate tangible evidence of the success of the project and its strategy.
  • Audio-visual documentary/case study (with English captions/subtitles) of 10 minutes duration showcasing the success of the project through the demonstration of an improvement in quality of life of beneficiaries because of involvement in the project. This can entail gathering content about the lives of selected beneficiaries.
  • A shorter version of the documentary with maximum 2-minute duration (with English captions/subtitles) for use in various social media platforms.
  • Audio-visual footage and photos of actual cash transfer distribution, hygiene promotion activities, distribution of non-food items and hygiene kits and water points and sanitation facilities.
  • Photos of beneficiaries receiving their cash during the cash transfer, receiving non-food items and hygiene kits and using the sanitation facilities.
  • Photos of beneficiaries demonstrating how the project has led to an improvement in their lives/situations.
  • Provide hard drive with all content gathered during the field visits
  • All footage should constantly show ECHO and Christian Aid’s support/funding through the visibility materials present at the distribution.
  • Consultant competencies Christian Aid is seeking a photo and video production outfit or individual with experience in documentary production, especially in humanitarian situations. The individual/outfit should also have experience in documenting case studies using these formats. Ability to communicate in the local language will be an added advantage.
Budget and terms of engagement
  • Christian Aid will cover only the cost of accommodation and travel to Borno state for the agreed number of days.
  • All production costs incurred will be covered from the consultancy fee.
  • 10% withholding tax will be deducted at source from the total cost of the consultancy fee for a firm, and 5% for an individual.
Application Closing Date
30th December, 2017.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should submit a proposal and budget to: copying by stating when you are available to travel.

Note: Kindly submit samples of previous work relevant to this job. Travel dates have not been confirmed yet, but the selected consultant may be required to travel as early as the week of 7th of January 2018.


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