Obafemi Awolowo University is a comprehensive public institution established in 1962 as The University of Ife. The University is situated on a vast expanse of land totaling 11,861 hectares in Ile-Ife, Osun State, southwest of Nigeria.
Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position below:
Job Title: Lecturer I - CONUASS 04
Location: Osun
Faculty: Science
Department: Geology
Area of Specialization: Geochemistry, Petrology, Structural Geology, GIS and Remote Sensing, Electrical/Electromagnetics, Paleontology/Palynology, Hydrogeology
- Candidates apply for the position of Lecturer I (Mineral Exploration Option) should possess a good First degree and a Ph.D degree in Geology from a recognized University with not less than three (3) years of teaching and research experience since becoming a Lecturer II in a University or comparable institution of higher learning.
- Candidate must also have the ability to teach courses at the undergraduate level with evidence of practical skills and competence together with scholarly publications in reputable journals with at least four peer reviewed published articles.
- It is also required that the candidate would have in addition, the ability to supervise post-graduate students in areas of expertise.
Application Closing Date
3rd January, 2018.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit 35 copies of their applications and up-to-date Curriculum Vitae giving the following information in order as listed below:
- Full Name (Surname first in capital letters).
- Post Applied for.
- Date and place of birth (attach birth certificate/sworn affidavit).
- Nationality.
- State of Origin, Senatorial District and Local Government Area (if a Nigerian)
- Permanent Home Address.
- Current Postal Address/including G.S.M. Telephone number.
- Marital Status.
- Number of Children and their Ages.
- Institutions attended with dates.
- Academic/Professional qualifications and distinctions obtained with dates (attach copies of credentials).
- Work Experience with dates.
- Present Employment, Status and Salary (if any).
- Research interests and activities
- Conference/courses attended (state titles of papers presented if any).
- Professional accomplishment.
- Publications with date.
- Service to national and international bodies.
- Extra Curricular Activities.
- Any physical challenge?
- Names and address of three (3) referees who must have been closely associated with candidate academic/work experience.
Applications and Curriculum Vitae of all interested candidates are to be forwarded to:
The Registrar,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Osun State.
For the attention of "Director of Personnel Affairs"
Candidates are also required to forward a soft copy of their Application and Curriculum Vitae by e-mail (as an attachment) to: Candidates applying for this position are advised to request their referees to forward confidential reports on them directly to the Registrar. The reports should be duly marked “Confidential”.
Note: Only the applications of candidates short-listed will be acknowledged.