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Consultant - Anchor Advocacy Project at Save the Children Nigeria

Posted on Wed 25th Oct, 2017 - --- (0 comments)

Save the Children is the leading independent organization for children in need, with programs in over 120 countries, including the United States. We aim to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives by improving their health, education and economic opportunities. In times of acute crisis, we mobilize rapid assistance to help children recover from the effects of war, conflict and natural disasters. Each year, we and our partners reach millions of children in communities around the world. Join our dedicated and diverse staff in their work to improve the well-being of children everywhere.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: Consultant - End of Project Documentary for Anchor Advocacy Project

Total strategy days: 17

With support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Save the Children (SC) Nigeria was commissioned in 2015 to influence and inform policy changes, as well as mobilize communities towards the support for and uptake of Routine Immunization (RI), Nutrition, and Reproductive Maternal, New-born and Child Health (RMNCH) services. The Anchor Grant is a 3-year advocacy project for the purpose creating, promoting and sustaining enabled environment, that will ensure Nigeria is progressing in efforts around maternal and child survival. In Nigeria the project is implemented at the national level, and in 4 states at the subnational level (Gombe, Jigawa, Katsina and Zamfara).

Primary Outcomes
  • Nigeria requests RMNCH services, ambitious targets (ending all preventable MNC deaths under 5) and indicators, linked to ending all preventable child deaths, are enshrined in post-2015 global development framework (particularly around immunization, family planning and nutrition
  • Global post-2015 goals/targets relating to maternal and child survival are translated into Nigeria's national and sub-national targets/strategies/plans/manifestos for 2015 and beyond
  • Commitments made by the Nigerian government as part of Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) initiative, A Promise Renewed and the Every Newborn Action Plan are honoured
  • RMNCH services to all children and mothers, particularly marginalised and underserved communities, are prioritized around achieving equity
  • Commitments on women's rights and equity (particularly those made at the London Family Planning Summit) are honoured and increasingly respected, costed plans are in place and delivered by the Nigerian government.
  • Allocative efficiency of health workforce maintained
  • Costed plans developed and implemented by relevant Ministries, Departments and Agencies at National and State levels
  • International Code on the Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes fully implemented by Nigeria
  • Domestic resources for nutrition and approval for specific budget lines at national and state levels secured. In particular, at least two Federal MDAs and two state governments budget and expend for Nutrition sensitive and specific interventions
  • New Routine Immunization Strategic Plan (NRISP 2016+), based on lessons learnt from 2013-15 NRISP, developed, costed and implemented with a strong focus on equity and excluded groups
  • Implementation framework for the National Health Act developed and a specific percentage of the Basic Health Care fund is agreed and ring-fenced for Immunization services
  • Functional Cold Chain Equipment made available in every ward in project states
  • Planned Preventive Maintenance and Repair System for cold chain Equipment developed and institutionalized in each project state
  • Functional Cold Chain Equipment made available in every ward in project states
  • Planned Preventive Maintenance and Repair System for cold chain Equipment developed and institutionalized in each project state
Assignment Objective
The end of project video will be a tool for capturing outcomes, best practices, learnings and key achievements for the benefit of SC, and present/ potential donors. It can also be used as an advocacy tool to policy makers, or as a reference material for organizations implementing similar projects or planning to do so. It will also serve as a knowledge management tool in terms of capturing the basic facts, figures and project results.

Specific objective of the assignment is to research, film and produce a creative and engaging documentary showcasing the scope of work of the Anchor Advocacy project in the four implementing states and at the national level: Specifically, the documentary will:
  • Detail various strategies and tactics the project adopted and their specific outcomes on beneficiaries
  • Provide evidence of success or otherwise and at the same time, capture opinions of community members (Ward Development Committees) on the project
  • Document government efforts and plans for taking on or sustaining gains made on the project
  • Sample opinion of policy and decision makers on what can be done differently
Target Audience
  • Donors, partner organizations and policy makers at national and sub-national levels
Video Content
  • The video content will be divided into various spots, based on the thematic streams adopted by the project. 
  • It is assumed that community members and indirect beneficiaries will prefer to speak in the local language (Hausa), the Consultant will provide subtitles in English to ensure non-Hausa speaking audiences are able to understand and comprehend.
Strategy & Duration
Activity, Time Frame, Persons Responsible:
  • Briefing meeting on the project; meeting to include material identification, studying/reading, selecting angles of developing the script etc.
  • 2 days
  • Consultant, CO project leads
Activity, Time Frame, Persons Responsible:
  • Writing the script/ approvals
  • 1 day
  • Consultant, Director of Advocacy & Campaigns, TA, KM/ Comms staff
Activity, Time Frame, Persons Responsible:
  • Travelling to project states (Gombe, Jigawa, Katsina & Zamfara) to capture video clips/rushes.
  • 10 days
  • Consultant/ SC TA & Comms Team
Activity, Time Frame, Persons Responsible:
  • Editing clips/rushes
  • 2 days
  • Consultant/ SC TA & Comms Team
Activity, Time Frame, Persons Responsible:
  • Present first product & obtain review; review feedback
  • 1 day
  • Consultant, Director of Advocacy & Campaigns, TA, KM/ Comms staff
Activity, Time Frame, Persons Responsible:
  • Finalize final product & submit
  • 1 day
  • Consultant & SC
Guidance on Video & Photos
  • Subject consent: A photo/ video release form must be filled out for every person that is photographed or interviewed for the documentary. Please find enclosed a copy of Save the Children’s release form.
Save the Children’s Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Within Save the Children, the Child Safeguarding refers to the set of policies, procedures and practice that we employ to ensure that Save the Children itself is a child safe organization.
  • We know that harm can befall children as a result of deliberate actions by a tiny minority of staff and representatives.
  • We have a zero tolerance to such behavior and pursue rigorous policies to prevent and respond to these issues.
  • We aim to ensure that everyone associated with the organization is aware of and responds appropriately to issues of child abuse and the sexual exploitation of children.
  • We aim to ensure that anyone who represents our organization behaves appropriately towards children both in work and outside work and never abuses the position of trust that comes with being a part of the Save the Children family.
  • However, we also know that inadvertent actions, the lack of preventative actions and other failings on our part can and do sometimes have the unintended consequence of causing harm. Plus, preventable accidents can happen. We have seen examples of this across our developmental, humanitarian; fundraising, campaigning and advocacy work in every region where we work.
  • Applying a safeguarding approach to the planning of programmes or in a myriad of other forms of engagement we have with children can be effective in mitigating and removing those risks.
  • In other words, Safeguarding is our attempt to ensure that everything which lies within our control is done to ensure the safety and welfare of children that we work with.
  • It helps in ensuring the rights of children within their communities are based on sound foundations.
Camera and selection requirements:
  • NTSC 1080p 23.98fps 1/48 shutter
  • 2-camera’s per interview, if possible (if not possible, alternative is to move camera mid-interview and avoid subject looking directly at camera when speaking)
  • Professional audio package, boom mic on boom pole (or smaller lapel mic placed interviewees)
  • Interviews filmed in natural light diffused with a silk or reflector for soft light on face
  • All potential Consultants are to submit a sample of their work (could be posted to YouTube or ftp)
  • Documentary script
  • Production and post-production schedule
  • A photography collage from the filming and production on DVD for electronic and digital/web usage
  • Two versions of the video documentary to be produced, a 10–15 minute documentary, and a shorter version of between 2 - 5 minutes that can be posted online. Drafts will be submitted for comments by Save the Children team before finalizing.
  • Raw rushes on an external drive
  • Final approved video(s)
Items Needed for Video Production:
  • Select Consultant
  • Written Scripts
  • Video Cameras (at least 2)
  • Tripod Stand
  • Microphones
Duration of the Assignment:
  • The assignment is expected to be undertaken between 30th October 2017 and 21st November 2017.
Required Qualifications and Experience
The consultant will be required to have:
  • 5 and above years of experience working in similar field
  • Extensive experience in producing development work related documentaries for international organisations with the aim of reaching both local and international audiences
  • Experience in working other international organizations
  • Local Knowledge of the northern region in Nigeria particularly SC project areas
  • Excellent technical capacities (state of art filming equipment preferably High Definition) to ensure smooth and high quality production
  • Additional experience in development communication will be an added advantage
Intellectual Property:
  • All information pertaining to this project (documentary, audio, digital, cyber, project documents, etc.) belonging to the Client, which the consultant may come into contact with in the performance of his/her, duties under this consultancy shall remain the property of the Client (i.e. Save the Children) who shall have exclusive rights over their use.
  • Except for purposes of this assignment, the information shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever without written permission of the Client in line with the national and International Copyright Laws applicable.
Contractual arrangements and supervision:
  • The consultant will be hired under SC’s terms of contract and supervised by the Advocacy and Campaign Unit solely for the purpose of delivering the above outputs, within the agreed time frame.
  • The consultant will be required to spend 90% of the consultancy time at the project site in the focus areas of SC’s work. A timesheet to record time spent on the consultancy will be filled and signed by the consultant.
  • Save the Children as the Client shall provide necessary support to the consultant in order to execute the assignment during the duration of the consultancy.
The consultant payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy.

Application Closing Date
27th October, 2017.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online

Application Procedure

Applicants are required to submit the following:
  • A Technical Proposal: Letter of Interest, stating why you consider yourself suitable for the assignment;
  • Brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment;
  • Personal CV highlighting qualifications and  experience in similar projects;
  • Work references - contact details (email addresses) of referees (firms for whom you have produced similar assignments); and
  • Financial proposal indicating consultancy fee and a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other expenses) related to the assignment.


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