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Reckitt Benckiser Maverick Case Challenge 2017 (RBMavericks17)

Posted on Tue 26th Sep, 2017 - --- (0 comments)

Reckitt Benckiser is the world's leading consumer Health and Hygiene company. Every day, across 60 countries, we work with the best people to challenge conventional thinking and strive to find even better ways to give people innovative solutions for healthier lives and happier homes.

We trust people in what they do and we give full accountability and autonomy to make things happen. That’s how we generate the game-changing ideas that built 19 iconic Powerbrands around the world, such as Nurofen, Strepsils, Mucinex, Dettol, Lysol, Finish and Vanish.

Applications are invited for:

Title: Reckitt Benckiser Maverick Case Challenge 2017 (RBMavericks17)

The 4th edition of the RB Mavericks Challenge is here, and it’s bigger than ever! Watch the top B-schools from India, Nigeria, South Africa and Brazil compete through 5 grueling rounds for a chance to win the coveted title of RB Maverick 2017.

Who is an RB Maverick?
  • An RB Maverick is a game changer who leaves behind the conventional and dares to think outside the box. He/she is a creative genius and believes in the power of ideas.
  • We at RB believe that a Maverick embodies our core values of Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Ownership, Achievement and Partnership and lives by them every day.
#RBMavericks17 challenge is looking for top talents in Nigeria with ideas that are profitable and can help tackle a relevant social issue - a #BusinessWithPurposeNigeria.

All you have to do is come up with an innovative business idea which addresses a social issue in Nigeria and is profitable for RB in the short and long term. It could be either a product or a service in the area of Health & Hygiene.

The Theme

At RB, we believe there’s a better way to do business – the kind that makes the right kind of social and environmental impact. ‘Business with Purpose’, as we call it, is the spirit we seek in the entries this year.

Your plan can be based on any RB products across the Health and Hygiene categories while adhering to the following parameters:
  • Demonstrates Performance: We expect an innovative business plan that defines a clear goal. The plan can either be a product or service innovation or a brand extension in the area of Health & Hygiene
  • Demonstrates Profitability: Is financially profitable (short-term) and self-sustained (long-term)
  • Demonstrates Purpose: Tackles a *social issue at ground level
If you believe in the power of ideas and identify with our core values of Entrepreneurship, Ownership, Achievement and Partnership, you are already halfway there. Combine your unconventionality with a zeal for doing greater good, and grab the chance to be termed a Maverick!

Interested Participants must not be more than 28 years old and must be:
  • Fresh Graduates
  • Postgraduate Students
  • Youth Corpers
How to Participate
Stage 1: Idea Submission
  • The competitors will register your team of 3 members through a registration form on the Mavericks Nigeria
  • Register your team of maximum three members through a registration form. You will receive an email that will confirm your participation and will allow you to upload your business plan
  • It is mandatory to submit your plans in the prescribed template, available in the Maverick’s kit. You can download the kit here  or refer to the confirmation email
  • Your entries should be saved in either .ppt, pptx or PDF and not exceed 10 slides
  • The Mavericks' Kit also contains guidelines for submission, which must be followed in order to qualify for the next round
  • The evaluation process will take place between October 17 -20, 2017, where a jury panel entrusted by RB will evaluate the entries from participants in Nigeria.
  • The entries will be evaluated on 3 key parameters – 1) An idea that is unique. 2) A plan that is profitable. 3) An outcome that makes social impact
  • Top ideas shortlisted will make it to the Second stage where the 'Mavericks to be' will get a chance to present their ideas to the panel
Stage 2: Panel Assessment
The shortlisted teams will be invited from October 25th, 2017 to present a detailed business plan to the Panel. The plan should necessarily include:
  • The business objective and a detailed roadmap to achieve the objective
  • If your plan is that of a product extension, it must involve at least one of the RB products from the health or hygiene segments.
  • The plan must have a strong sense of purpose – providing a solution to a social issue
  • Each team will be given an opportunity to have discussions and reviews with the RB brand team
  • The teams can share photos and videos on Mavericks website through live feed from social media by using #RBMavericks17
  • Think of a catchy name that best describes your team
  • Share your photos and videos on social media channels (Facebook, Twitter) by using the challenge hashtag #RBMavericks17 and #[name of your team] to claim your content on
  • Don't forget to tag on Facebook while sharing your posts
  • After Panel deliberation, the Panel will announce top teams across Nigeria that will compete in the Final round.
Stage 3: Final Assessment
  • The shortlisted Top 12 teams will be invited to present a detailed business plan to the final jury 13 and 14 noveThe Final assessment will happen on November 7th, 2017, where the finalists will compete with one another for a space in the international grand finale
  • One team from Final round will progress to the International grand finale where 4 teams from India, Nigeria, South Africa and Brazil will fight it out for the coveted title
Application Closing Date
26th Ocotber, 2017.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click Here to Start Application

Click here for more information


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