Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a Danish international non-governmental organisation, which promotes and supports durable solutions to the problems faced by refugees and internally displaced people all over the world. DRC is present in more than 30 conflict territories around the world assisting displaced people with shelter, food, income generating activities, and wide range of other assistance. It is of utmost importance for DRC to work in compliance with the DRC Accountability and Quality Management system and national legislations. Smooth, reliable and effective operational systems are preconditions for DRC to maintain its position as a trustworthy and reliable partner for our donors and an accountable organisation towards our beneficiaries.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Consultant: Mediation Training in Nigeria
Locations: Borno and Adamawa
Purpose of the Consultancy
- In September DDG will carry out training in mediation, dialogue facilitation and conflict analysis of the staff based in different north-eastern states of Nigeria (Adamawa, Borno).
- This is with the objective to train staff to be able to carry out neutral and impartial mediation and dialogue facilitation at the community level and work with community leaders or others involved in the same.
- The next step will be to develop a training of trainers of staff and Community Based Organisations, so that the staff and the CBOs can then do training adapted to the communities.
The services and key deliverables required will be the following:
- Consultant(s) to develop a participant manual and trainers’ manual on neutral and impartial mediation. The manual should clearly describe:
- The preparatory work prior to mediation and dialogue (conflict analysis and mapping of actors)
- What is mediation and how does it differ from arbitration, conciliation, and facilitation and the pros and cons of each process
- The relevance and limits of neutral and impartial processes in addressing violent conflicts
- What are the different steps of the mediation process, and what does each step entail
- What are the opportunities and limits of mediation. How mediation can be used in violent conflict context and what are the risks involved (do no harm approach)
- What are the differences and similarities between two (2) party or multi-party mediation.
- What are the differences and similarities between mediation and dialogue facilitation
- What are the key elements and the steps of dialogue facilitation processes.
- What are the key communication tools involved in mediation processes with a description of key tools, elements and examples of:
- Active listening
- Reformulation / paraphrasing
- Reframing
- Mirroring (reflecting emotions)
- Questioning
- Summarising
- Non-verbal communication
- Non-violent communication
- Managing emotions
- How to ensure quality of mediation processes, including supervision and coaching framework
- How to evaluate the processes of mediation and dialogue facilitation and their outcomes In collaboration with DDG and as relevant other required elements will be incorporated in the material.
- Support the 2 first weeks of training and possibly a 3rd week of field practice. Training will take place in a field location where DRC-DDG has a field office.
- The Global AVR advisor and AVR Manager should be associated to contribute to parts of the material development and training and be coached by the consultant trainer
- The consultant(s) will base the trainings on input from Global AVR Advisor and Nigeria team, and the context, develop material that will serve for trainings on the Nigeria programme, but also serve as a basis for future trainings on DDG programmes and partner organisations. The material will be 2x1 week (5 days) training modules based on above as well as a manual with field practice guidelines.
- Consultation and harmonization of approaches with other stakeholders, other humanitarian partners and relevant actors, should be sought wherever relevant.
- The material developed and copyright will solely belong to DDG and relevant partners, it will be the basis for similar trainings on other DDG programmes and partnerships.
- The aim is also to share with other Humanitarian organisations (open source) for development of best practices within mediation adapted for humanitarian contexts and programmes.
DRC/DDG'S Responsibilities
DRC/DDG will provide the following:
- All available documents as Annex B & C and contacts requested by the consultant,
- Guide the consultant on the important stakeholders and area
- Consultancy fees at a mutually agreed rate.
- DRC Regional Office will organise the travel to Abuja.. Accommodation will be arranged by DRC - unless agreed otherwise. Support in Visa processing will be arranged by DRC Country Office, which will arrange travel and transport within Nigeria.
Reporting Arrangements
- The consultant shall work under the direct supervision of DRC/DDG Global AVR Advisor and/or Head of Program / AVR Manager.
- Administratively the consultant is expected to work with DRC/DDG Head of Bases in the areas of operation.
- DRC/DDG programme staff in the field will provide support as required.
Timing and Duration of Assignment
The consultancy will consist of a duration of 5-8 weeks, including additional days of preparatory work, from 20 august to 2017 through 6 October 2017. We foresee the needs for the development of the material and the training (training expected to start Monday, 11th September) in Nigeria to be as follows:
- Preparation phase: 10 - 14 days preparation and delivery of draft material
- 1st week basic training: introduction to conflict management processes, mediation, dialogue facilitation and conflict analysis
- 2nd week: more in depth focus on mediation and dialogue facilitation
- 3rd & 4th week: practice first in class and then supervised field practice and finalize the training materials with field practice guidelines.
Expected Profile of Consultant
- A postgraduate qualification in conflict prevention, international relations, African Studies, peace studies, political science or related field
- At least 5 years’ experience of working on issues related to stabilization, conflict management, University degree in a relevant discipline
- Minimum one previous experience working with an INGO involved in Armed Violence Reduction.
- Experience with accreditation/certification in Mediation training
- Proven record of training, mentoring and developing the capacity of staff in the fields of mediation and peacebulding.
- Proven experience of developing training material
- Experience of working in challenging and insecure environments
- Diplomatic, patient and persistent.
- Fluency in written and spoken English
- Experience working in diverse and cross-cultural context
- High degree of computer literacy - fully proficient in use of word, excel and PowerPoint
- Willing to live in shared team house
Terms & Conditions
Daily rate charge to be negotiated, provision of an international flight to and from Nigeria, local travel, and accommodation. Insurance package could be negotiated if needed.
Application Closing Date
18th August, 2017.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should:
Click here to apply online
The Mediation Training offer should include:
- A suitability statement including CV of participating consultant (s) with details of qualifications and experience.
- A technical proposal that summarizes understanding of the TORs, methodology, and tools to be used.
- Proposed chapter outlines of the participant manual
- Proposed chapter outlines of the trainers’ manual
- Work-plan clearly indicating the training schedule.
- Financial proposal providing cost estimates and consultancy fees.
- Contacts of three organizations that have recently contracted you to carry out similar consultancy.
- A sample of previous related work authored by the applicant.
- Proof of formal registration in line of work in country of operation or home country.
Selection Criteria
- Technical review of the methodology to be used
- Technical review of previous work
- Evaluation of consultant’s relative experience and skills
- Number of work days suggested for the task
- Cost per day and for total cost of contract
- Availability and start date of field work
- Applications are not to be sent to individuals within DDG, but should be submitted by clicking the below “apply for position” button.
- Please contact job@drc.dk if you experience problems with your online application.