The Chairman of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) - Nigeria of the Global Fund and Minister of Health, Prof. C.O Onyebuchi Chukwu said CCM Nigeria will ensure that the Global Fund grants to Nigeria is efficiently and effectively managed to provide healthcare services to its citizenry.
Speaking at its 37th General Meeting Held on Tuesday when its first and second vice election was held the minister said the Global Fund is undergoing reforms presently with donors paying more emphasise to value for money and systems strengthening.
We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below: Job Title: Oversight Officer
Provide administrative and technical support to the CCM Oversight Committee in order to oversee grant implementation by Principal and Sub-Recipients (PRs//SRs).
Assist the Oversight Committee to build capacities of its members, CCM Members, and other stakeholders to conduct grant oversight in accordance with Global Fund requirements.
Assure that NCCM oversight activities and outcomes are in compliance with all official governance documents of the Nigerian CCM (e.g., Constitution, Governance Manual, and Implementation Annex to Governance Manual).
Key Duties and Responsibilities
Provides supervision and guidance to Oversight Specialists who implement CCM grant oversight activities related to specific grants.
Orients CCM members on grant oversight principles and responsibilities, and assists CCM to appoint members of the Oversight Committee:
Ensures that the Committee’s Terms of Reference are up-to-date and that oversight committee members are briefed on their responsibilities.
Orients Oversight Committee members on CCM Nigeria grant oversight activities and practices
Assists Oversight Committee to plan for grant oversight activities, including preparation of CCM Oversight Plan, and annual Oversight work plan and budget; technical expertise required on the Committee; and support from development partners.
Assists Oversight Committee, in collaboration with Principal Recipient representatives, to develop systems, methods, and procedures for generating and reporting information on grant performance and implementation.
Maintains and operationalizes the CCM Grant Dashboard (DB), and manages the process by which dashboard reports are submitted, reviewed, and analysed prior to Oversight Committee meetings:
Provides technical assistance and capacity building to PRs/SRs in preparation and presentation of PU/DRs and Grant Dashboards
Develops Summary analysis reports of Grant Dashboards and PU/DRs to facilitate OC meetings
Provides administrative and technical support for Oversight Committee meetings. Coordinates participation of Principal Recipient representatives, technical experts, and CCM stakeholders, as appropriate, in Oversight Committee meetings.
Provides administrative and logistical support for site visits and ensures that all site visit reports are archived and made available for CCM members as part of the agenda for CCM meetings. Prepares draft versions of site visit reports for Oversight Committee review and approval.
Assists the Oversight Committee to investigate problems, issues, and bottlenecks of Global Fund grant implementation by:
Collecting relevant technical and financial data;
Reviewing dashboards for internal consistency and consistency with reports of Principal Recipients to the Global Fund;
Supporting the Oversight Committee in tracking the resolution status of decisions taken by the CCM.
Assists Oversight Committee and CCM to implement grant oversight decisions and recommendations by:
Using oversight tracking tools to document, follow-up, resolve, and report on oversight issues identified by the Oversight Committee;
Making presentations and recommendations for CCM decisions and actions;
Monitoring implementation of grant oversight decisions and recommendations;
Disseminating Oversight Committee decisions and recommendations to CCM members and stakeholders.
Assists the Oversight Committee to meet and consult with non-CCM stakeholders about grant oversight and grant implementation, as required by the Global Fund.
Prepares summary reports of Global Fund grant implementation, as required, and assists Communications Officer to assure that the reports are disseminated to stakeholders.
Participate, as needed, in CCM proposal development, PR nomination, and CCM operational activities by:
Reviewing and updating of CCM By-laws and Standard Operating Procedures
New CCM member orientation
Tracking compliance of CCM with GF eligibility requirements relating to grant oversight and execution of associated Performance Improvement Plans
Preparation of CCM two-year work plan and budget for GF approval
Archives all CCM documents related to oversight, including grant performance and CCM oversight reports, communications with the LFA and PR(s)
Complete other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Secretary
Key Outputs:
CCM members oriented to CCM oversight requirements
CCM members, appropriate external stakeholders, and technical experts are appointed to the Oversight Committee, understand their responsibilities, and actively engaged in grant oversight activities as specified in the Committee’s Terms of Reference;
Grant oversight systems, methods, and procedures are developed and effectively utilized by Principal Recipients and the Oversight Committee to monitor grant performance and identify implementation issues or bottlenecks. CCM Grant Dashboard reports are submitted, reviewed, and analysed prior to Oversight Committee meetings;
Oversight Committee meetings are well planned and organized, with adequate advance notice of meetings and distribution of materials to all members. Technical resources and external stakeholders are engaged and participate as needed;
Field visits are planned, organized, and implemented in collaboration with Principal Recipients and active participation of Oversight Committee members and other CCM members or stakeholders;
Grant implementation problems, issues, and bottlenecks are identified, in collaboration with Principal Recipients, and are presented to the full CMM for appropriate action, and are then monitored for implementation results.
Personal Specifications
An Honours Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University.
Master’s degree in Public Health, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Economics.
At least 5 years’ experience in monitoring and evaluation or 3 years as program manager of a large health program in government, NGO, or international agency;
2 years’ experience in HIV/AIDS, TB and/or Malaria.
Excellent information compilation and data analysis skills
Excellent computer skills including proficiency in using email, word processing and spread sheet applications, preferably Microsoft Office applications
Strong organizational skills and exceptional problem-solving abilities
Excellent verbal and written communication skills
Demonstrated skills in supervising professional or managerial staff
Demonstrated skills in planning, organizing and coordinating work of teams, committees, and ad hoc work groups
Demonstrated skills in team-work, collaboration, and consultations with diverse constituencies
Application Closing Date
9th August, 2017.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should submit an expression of interest together with a full CV (MS word format), cover letter and supporting documents, highlighting your experience and skills. Applications should be emailed to: copying: with the position applied for as the subject of the e-mail.
Note: Only electronic applications will be accepted.