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CCM Executive Secretary at the Chairman of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM)

Posted on Thu 20th Jul, 2017 - --- (0 comments)

The Chairman of the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) - Nigeria of the Global Fund and Minister of Health, Prof. C.O Onyebuchi Chukwu said CCM Nigeria will ensure that the Global Fund grants to Nigeria is efficiently and effectively managed to provide healthcare services to its citizenry.

Speaking at its 37th General Meeting Held on Tuesday when its first and second vice election was held the minister said the Global Fund is undergoing reforms presently with donors paying more emphasise to value for money and systems strengthening.

We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:

Job Title: CCM Executive Secretary

Location: Abuja, FCT, Nigeria
Employer: USAID
Reports to: CCM Executive Committee
Responsible for: Oversight Officer,  Finance and Administration Officer

Job Purpose
  • Provide overall leadership and management of the Secretariat of the Nigeria Country Coordination Mechanism, consistent with Global Fund “Guidelines and Requirements for CCMs” and in accordance with the provisions and requirements of all CCM Nigeria framework documents (Constitution, Governance Manual, Conflict of Interest Policy, Financial Management and Procedural Manual, and Oversight Plan).
Specific Responsibilities and Tasks
The Executive Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the CCM Secretariat and will perform the specific responsibilities and tasks as outlined below:
  • Provide direct management and active supervision of the CCM Secretariat activities and operations, consistent with Global Fund guidelines and requirements for CCMs, and the policies and procedures of the CCM Nigeria Constitution, Governance Manual, Conflict of Interest Policy, and Oversight Plan:
    • Provide active, engaged supervision and management of all CCM Secretariat technical and administrative staff.
    • Oversee and ensure effective operational activities of the CCM, its Standing and Ad Hoc Committees, and the Secretariat.
    • Ensure transparent and efficient use of CCM resources (finances, personnel, assets)
    • Develop and coordinate the implementation of CCM Work Plans and Budget.
    • Develop fundraising strategies, identify potential donors, and leverage additional financial resources to expand and enhance the Secretariat support to the CCM overall activities.
    • Represent the CCM Secretariat at local and international meetings and conferences, as approved by the CCM Executive Committee.
  • Provide leadership and active management support for the development and implementation of CCM Funding Requests to the Global Fund and grant making processes:
    • Provide technical support to any Funding Request committees in developing roadmap towards completion of essential components of the Funding Request development process.
    • Ensure circulation of Global Fund guidelines and other relevant documentation related to preparation of Funding Requests to Chair, Vice-Chairs, CCM members, and Executive, Resource Mobilization and Oversight Committees.
    • Ensure provision of necessary technical and administrative support to relevant proposal development committees and technical working groups in preparation of Call for Expressions of Interest.
    • Ensure prominent and widespread advertising for Expressions of Interest.
    • Ensure logistical and administrative arrangements are in place to support country dialogue processes, including preparation and dissemination of full records of such undertakings.
    • Distribute draft Funding Requests to CCM members, facilitate CCM signature of members for final Funding Request submission.
    • Support the grant pre-signature preparations.
    • Transmit completed Funding Requests electronically to the Global Fund.
    • Facilitate submission of major modifications in grant implementation including reprogramming requests as approved by the CCM.
    • Submit responses to requests for clarification made by the Global Secretariat.
  • Provide leadership and active administrative and management support for the CCM to nominate Principal Recipients
  • Ensure Circulation of Global Fund guidelines for nomination of Principal Recipients to Chair, Vice-Chairs, CCM members, Executive, Resource Mobilization, Oversight and other Committees:
    • Ensure coordination of public advertisement for Expressions of Interest for Principal Recipients.
    • Ensure compilation of responses to Request for Proposals for benefit of Resource Mobilization and Funding Request Development or similar Committee.
    • Provide formal notification of selected Principal Recipients to all stakeholders.
    • Ensure comprehensive documentation of the entire nomination process is maintained and archived.
  • Ensure active administrative and management support for CCM oversight of Global Fund grants and identify and resolve implementation issues and bottlenecks:
    • Ensure effective development and utilization by Principal Recipients of systems, methods, and procedures (including, particularly, the CCM Grant Dashboard) for generating and reporting information on grant performance and implementation,
    • Ensure that effective administrative and technical support is provided for Oversight Committee meetings, site or field visits, and the investigation and resolution of problems, issues, or bottlenecks in grant implementation
    • Ensure that the CCM and Oversight Committee meet and consult, as needed, with non-CCM stakeholders about implementation and oversight of all grants
  • Provide direct logistical and administrative support to Executive Committee, and oversee logistical and administrative support to all meetings of the CCM and its other Committees by ensuring that Secretariat staff:
    • Serve as secretary to all regular and extraordinary meetings of the CCM and its Committees, as requested and feasible;
    • Prepare calendars of CCM and CCM Committee meetings and update them periodically, as necessary;
    • Prepare and circulate notices and agendas for meetings of the CCM, along with relevant supporting documentation;
    • Prepare and circulate notices and agendas for CCM Committees, along with relevant supporting documentation;
    • Compile data, archive and keep records of CCM communications and relevant documentation;
    • Track cross-cutting issues across committees/subcommittees to ensure coherence in decision-making;
    • Maintain a list of all approved decisions of CCM and the Executive Committee and provide status reports on implementation as required;
    • Brief Chair and Vice-Chairs on key policy and operational issues arising from the operations of the CCM and its Committees.
  • Coordinate the processes for the election of CCM Chair and Vice-Chairs:
    • Provide formal notification to all CCM members on the impending expiration of term of office of Chair and Vice-Chairs and invite nominations to fill vacancies;
    • Coordinate the selection of a Committee to oversee the elections of Chair and Vice-Chairs;
    • Prepare full minutes of the meeting related to the election of CCM Chair and Vice-Chairs;
    • Issue public notification of names of new Chair and Vice-Chairs;
    • Conduct orientation of newly-elected Chair and Vice-Chairs.
  • Oversee and ensure effective and timely membership renewal processes among all CCM constituencies:
    • Ensure that constituencies receive timely notification of expiration of term of office for members and alternates;
    • Ensure provision of logistical, administrative and technical support provided to constituencies in scheduling and conducting constituency elections;
    • Ensure tracking of member participation in CCM meetings, according to procedures and guidelines in the CCM Governance Manual;
    • Facilitate the termination of membership whenever required;
    • Ensure archival of duly completed and signed minutes of constituency elections;
    • Ensure organization and conduct of orientation for “new” members and refresher training for “old” members.
  • Coordinate process for regular review and update of all CCM framework documents, and conduct of related training activities to ensure compliance by all CCM members:
    • Support periodic review and revision of all CCM framework documents (Constitution, Governance Manual, Conflict of Interest Policy, Financial Management and Procedural Manual, and Oversight Plan).
    • Ensure CCM approval for revised components of the CCM framework documents.
    • Facilitate on-going training on the content and application of the CCM framework documents.
  • Coordinate all activities related to CCM Eligibility Performance Assessment, development and implementation of Performance Improvement Plan, and updating information on Global Fund website:
    • Engage technical services, as required, for undertaking Eligibility Performance Assessment;
    • Provide direction, oversight, and support to Performance Improvement Plan activities, as implemented or supported by other Secretariat staff;
    • Monitor progress in implementation of the Performance Improvement Plan.
  • Coordinate CCM communication and information-sharing by ensuring that CCM Secretariat staff:
    • Ensure tracking of all Global Fund-related information and keep all CCM members and the various PRs and relevant stakeholders updated on all changes and developments;
    • Ensure CCM foundation documents are distributed to new CCM members and returning CCM members, as needed;
    • Ensure effective management of communications related to CCM meetings, including agendas, minutes, reports for discussion, etc.;
    • Ensure the completion and archiving of annual declaration of conflict of interest forms to help mitigate conflict of interest on the CCM.
    • Ensure documentation of all problems and solutions, policy concerns and formulations, best practices, success stories and lessons learned related to all the GFATM Grant Cycles in Nigeria;
    • Ensure effective technical facilitation, coordination, and liaison with the stakeholder constituencies and representatives at the CCM, PRs, and SRs;
    • Ensure the preparation, production and dissemination of Annual Report of the CCM, with adequate representation of all key programmes and activities of the CCM.
Key Outputs:
  • The CCM meets Global Fund eligibility requirements for CCMs, or is actively addressing areas of noncompliance through a formally adopted Performance Improvement Plan. CCM eligibility status, as well as progress in implementing the Performance Improvement Plan, is updated routinely on the Global Fund CCM website.
  • Executive Secretary provides effective leadership to Secretariat staff, and serves as a hands-on, engaged manager in directing and supporting their work. Secretariat staff understand their roles and responsibilities and work together as an effective management team supporting the functions and activities of the CCM.
  • CCM Committees and teams to develop funding requests, nominate PRs, conduct grant oversight, and mobilise CCM resources receive effective administrative, financial, and logistical support from Secretariat staff. The Executive Committee receives effective administrative, financial, and logistical support from the Executive Secretary
  • CCM members receive adequate notification of CCM meetings (by email, fax, or letter), including documentation for review prior to the meeting, as required by the CCM Constitution and Governance Manual. CCM members receive complete and clearly written minutes within seven days of each meeting, as required by the Constitution.
  • The CCM has a complete and current communications strategy and annual communications plan. Regular CCM communications shared and disseminated through various media and channels, including a CCM website, other online communications, print materials, public events, and radio / TV coverage.
  • CCM membership is regularly renewed according to the requirements and schedules of the CCM Constitution and Governance Manual. Updated and accurate membership records specifying the terms, constituency affiliations, and contact information for all CCM Members and Alternates
  • CCM finances are accounted for and reported in a timely and transparent manner, with financial reports prepared and submitted to CCM members and the Global Fund according to required schedules. The Financial Management Manual and Procurement Plans are updated periodically so that they remain current.
  • Conflict of Interest policies are adopted and revised, as needed, and are adhered to by CCM members and Secretariat staff in meetings and CCM activities. Annual Conflict of Interest Declaration forms are current and maintained to be accessible as needed.
  • A two-year CCM work plan and budget are submitted to and approved by the Global Fund, and are monitored by the CCM Executive Committee.
  • CCM Nigeria framework documents (Constitution, Governance Manual, Conflict of Interest Policy, Financial Management and Procedural Manual, and Oversight Plan) are reviewed, revised, and approved as needed.
Personal Specifications
  • An Honours Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University
  • Master’s Degree in Public Health, Public Administration, International Development from a recognized Institution.
  • Minimum of 10 years of demonstrated experience in successfully managing large- scale social sector-funded programs and/or HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and TB activities in Nigeria or abroad
  • Familiarity and experience in working with government and non-government systems
  • Knowledge and understanding of Global Fund guidelines and processes an advantage
  • Track record of strong commitment to sharing knowledge, documenting experience and supporting creative initiatives
  • Proven ability to anticipate length and difficulty of task assignments, set project objectives, work on multiple tasks at once, anticipate problems and evaluate results
  • Sound knowledge of public/private partnership
  • Demonstrated skills in planning, organizing, and managing the work of teams, committees, and ad hoc work groups
  • Ability to prioritize task assignments and use resources effectively and efficiently
  • Data Analysis, information compilation and report writing.
  • Strong facilitation, relationship-building, negotiating and influencing skills especially within a complex public, private, donor, and implementing partner environments
  • Self-starter with competence to assess priorities, manage a variety of complex activities in a time-sensitive/emergency environment, and meet competing deadlines and ability to work with minimum direct supervision
  • Solid computer skills to include proficiency using email, word processing and spread sheet applications, preferably Microsoft Office applications
  • Communication skills both oral and written
  • Understanding of and ability to advance efforts of Resource Mobilization Committee in raising additional funds for CCM budget augmentation
Application Closing Date
9th August, 2017.

Method of Application

Interested and qualified candidates should submit an expression of interest together with a full CV (MS word format), cover letter and supporting documents, highlighting your experience and skills. Applications should be emailed to: copying with the position applied for as the subject of the e-mail.

Note: Only electronic applications will be accepted.


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