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Teaching & Administrative Vacancies - Lagos

Posted on Fri 06th Jul, 2012 - --- (8 comments)

Prime Human Capital Resources Limited - Our clients, a number of top tier schools in Lagos and environs, have the following vacancies

A.) Principals (Ref No. PHC 001)


B.Sc/B.Ed and M.Sc/Med. Other professional qualification(s) would be an added advantage


3 years as Principal or 5 years as Vice Principal in a reputable school.

B.) Vice Principal (Ref No. 002)


B.Sc/B.Ed and M.Sc/Med. Other professional qualification(s) would be an added advantage

3 years as Principal or 5 years as Vice Principal in a reputable school

C.) Subject Teachers (Ref No. 003)
Subjects: English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Literature, Commerce, Economics, Accounting, Religious knowledge, Agricultural  Science, Home Economics, Fine Arts, ICT, Music

B.Sc/B.Ed and M.Sc/Med in relevant subjects.

Experience: 3 years minimum teaching Experience in relevant subject.

Application Closing Date
18th July, 2012.

Method of Application

Prospective candidates should send a detailed resume stating the reference number of the position they are applying for at the top right hand corner of their resume to: [email protected]


Comments (8)

No. 1
Posted on Fri 06th Jul, 2012 10:17:40 GMT by Barth Nnaemeka

It is quite unfortunate and obvious that majority of Nigerians, especially in Education sectors like this, does not really know what HND holders offers the society. Well, I wouldn't want to drag any issue here, but all I can say is that every wise and knowledgable organization be it private or governmental organization should learn how to place there adverts on a unform balance. They have the right to get whom they want to employ after which they must have conducted their test and interviews as case may be not restricting others from participating at all. I will be whole heartedly proud to say that i have delivered so much in assisting poor nigerian students by both teachings and guidlines. We nigerian always believe in title not considering stuff that somebody is made up of. I mean, do what you claimed to be doing. I have thought in many good Secondary schools, both in privates and govt. in contract basis and i have all my good records with them. During my NYSC I was given the award of best teacher of the year and if you like i can give you the number of my principal. I equall marked 2010 WAEC Mathematics Examination. In fact, if there will be a National competition on Mathematics, i think i must be among the 10th to be selected. And after all, i' m just a HND hold obtained from met/mat Engineering. I don't advertise myself, rather bring out the fact. Thanks
No. 2
Posted on Fri 06th Jul, 2012 10:25:51 GMT by Barth Nnaemeka

It is quite unfortunate and obvious that majority of Nigerians, especially in Education sectors like this, does not really know what HND holders offers the society. Well, I wouldn't want to drag any issue here, but all I can say is that every wise and knowledgable organization be it private or governmental organization should learn how to place there adverts on a unform balance. They have the right to get whom they want to employ after which they must have conducted their test and interviews as case may be not restricting others from participating at all. I will be whole heartedly proud to say that i have delivered so much in assisting poor nigerian students by both teachings and guidlines. We nigerian always believe in title not considering stuff that somebody is made up of. I mean, do what you claimed to be doing. I have thought in many good Secondary schools, both in privates and govt. in contract basis and i have all my good records with them. During my NYSC I was given the award of best teacher of the year and if you like i can give you the number of my principal for your varifications. I equally marked 2010 WAEC Mathematics Examination. In fact, if there will be a National competition on Mathematics, i think i must be among the 10th to be selected. And after all, i' m just a HND holder obtained from met/mat Engineering. I don't advertise myself, rather trying to bring out some of an important facts about our society day. Thanks
No. 3
Posted on Fri 06th Jul, 2012 18:48:37 GMT by Coker

Am a Bsc holder in mathematics with 2.2 classification. I av already apply4 d job. I wants to notify d employers abt d way they being xclude Hnd holders out of d race. I hav many friends who are hnd holder and they ar doing brilliantly well during my youth service year @ikorodu govt day secondary school lagos state,most of this hnd guys are d ppl who adopted d subject of mathematics ,physics, chemistry.while we the bscs handle subject like biology,econs,acct,commerce,english,govt.history,td, most of these hnds are very brilliant in science and enginring stuff. So plz get them first to job so later they can go for pgdeducation or as d case may be.
No. 4
Posted on Fri 06th Jul, 2012 21:44:18 GMT by Charles

Bat,dont be annoyed bcos of d hapenins concernin cert issues there is no amount of knowledge or experience u have in teachin dat qualifies u 2 be a profesional teacher go back 2 ur field stop doing another mans job.Go back 2 univ and read education bẹst of luck
No. 5
Posted on Sat 07th Jul, 2012 11:40:21 GMT by Emmybarth

Well, Charles i really appreciate your words of encouragement and i' m happy for the course i read, because i know that when i must have completed it in the nearest time up to the masters level behold, i will become a professional lecturer. I only like to mould the younger ones growing being so strong. Thanks a million.
No. 6
Posted on Sat 07th Jul, 2012 18:02:32 GMT by Shesman

@BAT. we shouldnt leave what is right aside, how could they employ HND in teaching(too ABSURD), this is what is bringing back d Nigerian education, when u know u can teach, u shuld hav gone 4 education courses. are u trying 2 tel us that we that did BSC/BSC(ed) are not more capable? if u want to speak anyword that wil make d employer 2consider u, u'll be on ur kneel beging them, not all these sorts of self-praising. U z u'll be among d best student if they organize a maths competition, this shows that u dont know anything, bcos empty barrel makes lousy sound.Look 4job in ur field not teaching,I dont know why u're useless (sorry 2say) in ur field. u are trained in ur field, apply what u're trained 2be, not teac`hing
No. 7
Posted on Sat 07th Jul, 2012 22:56:20 GMT by Njokuama Stephen Akachineke

I really don't believe in too much talk but believe in seeing the actions which is positive you in me.I have done great in many places.By stephen.
No. 8
Posted on Tue 10th Jul, 2012 20:22:01 GMT by imagbode stephen

application as the head teacher

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