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Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity Massive Recruitment

Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 - --- (184 comments)

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity is recruiting massively through the Nigeria Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC).

Nigeria Federal Civil Service Commission (FCSC) - Federal Ministries of Labour & Productivity Recruitment 2012

This is to inform the general public that the Federal Civil Service Commission in collaboration with the Ministries of Labour & Productivity has declared vacancies for the following cadres:

1.)  Labour Officer II (Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity)               

Interested applicants must possess a minimum of 2nd class lower division degree in Humanities from any recognized University.

2.) Labour Officer I (Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity)

Interested applicants must possess a minimum of 2nd class lower division degree in Humanities from any recognized University.

3.)  Higher Technical officer (Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity)

Interested applicants must possess a minimum of 2nd class lower division degree in Humanities from any recognized University.


4.) Senior  Labour officer (Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity)

Interested applicants must possess a minimum of 2nd class lower division degree in Humanities from any recognized University.

5.)  Labour Inspector  (Federal Ministry of Labour and Productivity)

Interested applicants must possess a minimum of 2nd class lower division degree in Humanities from any recognized University.

Application Closing Date
July 13, 2012

Mode of Application
Only qualified candidates in these specified fields should collect the application form from the offices of the Chairmen of the designated State Civil Service Commissions in the following six geopolitical zones:

  • Northwest - Kaduna
  • North East - Yola
  • North Central & Federal Capital Territory - Federal Civil Service Club Mabuchi, Abuja
  • South West - Ibadan
  • South South - Port-Harcourt
  • South East - Owerri

Collection of Forms commences from Friday, June 1st, 2012, while submission to the designated State
Civil Service Commissions closes by Friday, July 13th, 2012.

Note: For avoidance of doubt, application forms are free.


Comments (184)

No. 1
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 06:23:03 GMT by Shadrach Andrew

l hope u guys Will follow the normal procedures, no cut corners ooo.pls let the best candidate get the job
No. 2
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 07:37:54 GMT by Oreyeme, D.

In these days of e-business and e-transactions, why would our federal ministries be request job applicants without any source of income to travel long distances to collect application forms. I smell rat here.
No. 3
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 07:44:36 GMT by iyke

what kind of advert is this, where is d position of HND holders in d whole of this? Let's scrap HND since it's a good 4 nothing certificate even in govt establishment,so dat we d HND holders can go bak 2 our villages or travel abroad if we can. D treatment of HND holders in dis country isnt just unfair but frustrating.
No. 4
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 07:49:30 GMT by Baba Alhaji

My argument is dat, why ws it dat d requirememts are all humanities, ar u saying dat science oriented disciplines ar irrelevant in d ministry ? Pls stop all des disriminatns.
No. 5
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 07:59:06 GMT by sewa

All dese Federal govt. recruitment bullshit. They're all liars!!! Last week it was foreign affairs dat publicised deir recruitment whereas, I confirmed from a family friend who said they've already recruited about 150 last month. All dese posts are just for formalities. It is only d private sector e.g. Financial institutions that does what they say. Our federal govt. is a complete sham!!! N frauds...God will continue to punish them all,if they feel they can keep all those corrupt old asses who are suppose to be retired bcos dey want to keep eating the "national cake" n have refused to give the youth a chance. Useless bunch of idiots.
No. 6
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 08:06:47 GMT by Admin

@ iyke and Oreyem - I feel your pains, it is wrong for FCSC not to accept HND when they made it clear that HND is equivalent to First Degree. And traveling long distance just to get/submit the form is blatant irresponsibility on the part of the FCSC, consider the risk, cost and inconveniencies involved. Wondering if those people there don't have human feelings.
No. 7
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 08:14:03 GMT by Nnabuife Ogechukwu

my own point is dt why only humanities and education wht abt us dat red business Administration.u people should try and help us
No. 8
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 08:45:41 GMT by Honesty

For once govt has somtin for arts,thank God. But i hope dis is for real, and job hijackers like ministers and dose up there will not deprive innocent applicants this opportunity
No. 9
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 09:01:26 GMT by Maduka Jennifer

so HND is no longer recognised in the Nigerian civil service,because i only saw BSC qualifications,what is the faith of HND Holders in Nigeria
No. 10
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 09:10:43 GMT by Ibrahim Tajudeen Adekunle

For a subsequent recruitment,the federal ministry of labour & productivity should be able to 've a post for HND graduate.I'm HND graduate studied busines admin.,can i apply for any post.
No. 11
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 10:09:16 GMT by ONODIANA SYLVESTER

The advert is a welcome development,but the application form should be made available in all states capital,while geo-political centre offices? The burden,cost and risk on Nigerians travilling to collection forms should be reduce.
No. 12
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 10:20:42 GMT by BAKOPSI

please let those handling this follow rule of law and employ most qualified and not most CONNECTED.
No. 13
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 10:21:45 GMT by AIYEJUTO SEGUN

I didnot understand Nigeria civil sevices,so peoples with 3rd class,pass,ad HND are nt merit 2 apply,i dnt known what d National Assembly are doin with dis issue of discrimnate of grade,wolesoyika ad Gani d great men,came out with 3rd class ad we saw their impact in d Nigeria economy,mst people with so cal 2.1,ad 2.2,cannot even write their name,so Nigeria govt should try ad give equal chances 2 every graduate.
No. 14
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 10:25:21 GMT by yemi

am a computer engineering graduate. can i apply for this post?
No. 15
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 10:50:26 GMT by Dayo gbenga

Like me,i came out with 3rd class,put me in any exam hall with peoples with 2.2,ad 2.1,give everybody equal spaces 2 apply,if u give me a chance i wl manage dis country morethan d president goodluck jonathan,ad goodluck came out with 2.1,wolesoykia didnt came out with so cal 2.1,ad 2.2,can u compaire soyika with ur president,ad ur president came out with 2.1,u known what i mean,Nigeria should stop dis issue of 2.1,2.2 ad 3rd class,let every graduates apply o.
No. 16
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 11:00:47 GMT by Iheanacho Annastecia ifeoma

I study accountancy in fed. Poly tech Nekede Owerri Imo state. Also, i have completed my "Nysc"
No. 17
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 11:29:05 GMT by Abraham monday

I really thks d FG 4 dis opportunity giving younth if dey really want 2 help let dem give everybody chance 2 apply not by 2.1 or 2.2 or third class dose dat study science give dem chance 2 apply
No. 18
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 11:41:20 GMT by Emma

What a dis-heartned advert,HND is no longer a certfk8 abi? But remember we all own d country,soonest we wil rebel against dat stigmatizatn...we d poor are tired of beggin 4 job....oga,we are well educated wit our HND cert.
No. 19
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 12:42:19 GMT by uramah onyeka

Why must people travel to their various zonal state offices with the risk and the economic lmplications of something that will later be hijacked by the cabals for the benefit of their families and friends at the detriment of hard work and merit. We reject it. Make trouble in any zonal office so that they will do the right thing.
No. 20
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 13:56:46 GMT by Steve

Pls i want 2 ask, y is it dat is only d people dat study humanities can apply? Pls how many people do we have as a graduate of humanities, i mean they percentage among unemploy youths. Pls my Hon. minister of labour, Emeka Wogu, pls reason with me. I study accountancy from Unn, can i apply?
No. 21
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 16:25:23 GMT by Honesty

Please why is first school leaving certificate a criteria for applying? What of our degree certificates. Pls Honourable Minister do sumtin abt it,cos its so absurd.we av degree and higher certificates,why use primary school as a yard stick.
No. 22
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 20:17:43 GMT by Bamigbola johnson

D fed govt & its ministries are only seatin on d keg of gun-powder. With dis kangaroo system of things,it is only calling 4 brutal produces graduates every 4 months wth no where 2 go.
No. 23
Posted on Wed 06th Jun, 2012 21:03:04 GMT by Atiku

The labour maket is too saturated thats why the employer of labour used to place advertisment of non_exsisting vacancy.Beside last year were caled 4 interview at NTA but non among us was givin the apoinment leter. We heared that they gave apoinment leters to those that did not even aply 4 the job, families and relatives of senetors and reps. Useles leaders that mislead
No. 24
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 03:49:50 GMT by Nennang

Well, i just hope this wil not be business as usual. @yemi, i dont expect a graduate of engineering to ask such question. Is engineering among the humanities courses? Y do pple take delight in washing their dirty linen outside? If u dont know what humanities is, u should have asked someone b4 coming here to disgrace yourself. In any case, all d best to eligible applicants.
No. 25
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 04:02:54 GMT by Nennang

Guys, lets undastand y d vacancy is only 4 humanities. When u go to the market, do u buy everything u see in the market? No o o, u only by things u need, that is not to say d others are les important. What that means is that u wil come 4 them when d need 4 them arises. Pls, lets give d govt d opportunity to make decisions, hoping such wil b 4 our best interest. Last week, it was foreign affairs( po. Sci, international relations, arabic, spanish, russia and so on), today; its humanities, 2mrw, it wil b yours. Just wait i ur time. God will help us in his own time.
No. 26
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 11:04:05 GMT by Igwe

please sir, we are now in a global world, why this application can not be online? Think about this. So many people can not afford the transport.Thanks, Please consider the poor.
No. 27
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 11:56:09 GMT by ihsan

must the applicants have degree in humanity? why must it be only the people with second class that can apply for the listed post.May God us
No. 28
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 15:55:18 GMT by Ebere peter

Stressing 9ija youths wil not bring any development in 9ija instead it creates avalenches. Why only in six states out of 36 considerin al d pocket cancer of unemployed. Govt should be fair by empowering the youth for self employment if at al they want to intervene
No. 29
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 19:33:48 GMT by Fidelis

I have 2.97 in HND public administration can i apply if nt y . That means al d poly shuld be close down sinc dy are nt useful, bt d trut is dis som go university bt canot write even dere nams
No. 30
Posted on Thu 07th Jun, 2012 23:53:54 GMT by yusuf mohd

anything one does is what is going to see in the hereafter,did some of us forgotten about God? but surely we must go back to him,HND sabotage by some bad elements withing govt, why not scrap it? endangering lives of youth by travelling far distance
No. 31
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 03:42:58 GMT by alabi oluwagbagbemi

If live is like what they believe let them enter DANA AIR and leave the office for does who can carry all Nigeria Graduate along in Jesus Name

No. 32
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 07:06:07 GMT by Dare Don

Is HND no longer a certificate/qualification? FG WHY?
All senators/honourables with HND shld b chased out of abuja too. BULLSHIT......bunch of SCUMBAGS
No. 33
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 07:57:44 GMT by Eno Ena Okon

My stand is that the recruitment be based on most qualified and not most connected persons,please.May God bless Nigeria.
No. 34
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 08:17:07 GMT by Ayobami

Pls,I have HND in Mass communication,can I apply?thanks
No. 35
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 08:20:19 GMT by Sunny

It's disheartned to see this type of discrimination of the highest order in nigeria, do they mean that is better than HND. A day is coming when a divine 'REVOLUTION' will take place in this country.
No. 36
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 09:50:30 GMT by Emmanuel morah

D gospel truth abt all of 9ja troubles is; dia is no openness in operational standards, cheats everywia, liars hia and dia. Nobody is willing 2do a tin d ryt way. Our govt makes matters worst all d tym. Its not worth d risk my people, travelling cum expenses cum inconveniences.
No. 37
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 10:23:11 GMT by Blessing

Why do u people on top like doing this. Most u suffer us before u give us jobs. Jst to collect form, people has been transporting themselves to the piont of collection of form for more than one week now. Why can we join hands and make nigeria better by doing the write thing. God pls hlp us.
No. 38
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 10:30:29 GMT by Ezekwe

I have a degree- ADVANCED DIPLOMA in Marketing Management at d Obafemi Awolowo University, l hope l am qualified to apply.
No. 39
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 10:30:33 GMT by Ngwu,caroline

the proper addresses of the zonal offices each should av been included in d advert so dat ppl comin 4rm others will nt av problemin in locatin d office,i want 2 go 2 port harcourt 4 d form i dnt even kn d locatn of their office
No. 40
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 11:57:37 GMT by Sule d Amade

Violence seems to be d language our good for nothing leaders seems to understand.Graduate are begging now.soon they won't beg again rather,they will speak with the language you MUST UNDERSTAND!
No. 41
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 15:36:14 GMT by Abuaja kingsley

Is federal ministries trying to tell us that it is only Bsc or university is the only qualification or certificate that is legal in this country? I just wonder what they regard HND as, is it a SSCE or WACE. Equal opportunity should be given to both HND and Bsc when jobs are advertised. After all is all about individual.
No. 42
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 16:01:20 GMT by mike

It is a shame on the govt for unfair treatment meted out on HND holder in this country. If they truly said that nigeria is one and we still see this type of discrimination as it affect human life, then, nigeria is in serious danger. Discrimination between Degree and HND IS criminal and if not nip in the bud could divide this country because we all own this country.
No. 43
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 17:03:41 GMT by Eddy And Sir Tee

Edward and Tunde are saying that this is 419 jobs from the federal government. please you are not helping the unemployed.
No. 44
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 19:35:25 GMT by Ramat B. Mustapha

No. 45
Posted on Fri 08th Jun, 2012 21:47:26 GMT by ajibo pc

thank God i went to pik my form and i was told that the form have finish . Well i found my way out and get the form but but but but will they do humanity work after?
No. 46
Posted on Sat 09th Jun, 2012 07:28:14 GMT by VICTOR

why is it that openings like this forms are not available online they send them to offices where favouritism will take place.... NIJA
No. 47
Posted on Sat 09th Jun, 2012 08:44:02 GMT by Ekundina kayode

I need this job for my Dad
No. 48
Posted on Sat 09th Jun, 2012 09:51:24 GMT by Ighodalo Gideon Emeka

What's the address of chairman for south-south in port-harcourt..PLEASE?
No. 49
Posted on Sat 09th Jun, 2012 09:53:55 GMT by ROTIMI SUNDAY

This is a fraudulent act,the Nigerian youth should resist this act.In our own country hw can the HND graduate be so discriminated upon,even in govt establishment.It only shows that our leaders are insensitive .I do hope that they realise that little things like this could lead to revolution soonest
No. 50
Posted on Sat 09th Jun, 2012 11:14:05 GMT by EUSTACE AHAOTU

It is a welcome development for job vacancies to be declared.However, let the applications be via online to avoid the resurgence of rip-off on the applicants.

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