Posted on Fri 27th May, 2011 - --- (33 comments)
At KPMG, we advise local and global businesses on tax structuring and regulatory matters with the aim of assisting them to achieve their business objectives and goals.
Ever wondered whatt a career in Tax would be like? Think KPMG Tax & Regulatory Practice.
What Do We Want?
We are currently looking for brilliant, forward thinking and cosmopolitan graduates who are ready to take on the world and become experts in an environment that offers them the training and support they need to flourish professionally and personally.
Do you think you can match our expectations? Then take this bold step today!
E-mail your CV to with Tax/Regulatory Graduate Recruitment clearly stated as the subject of the email. CVs received before 31st May, 2011 will be considered for the September Class.
To be eligible, you should have a minimum of 2:1 university degree in any discipline and be less than 26 years old.
pls kindly relax this to pass and pass all graduates
No. 3
Posted on Fri 27th May, 2011 12:47:40 GMT by funmilayo
pls kindly extend this to polytechnic graduate & 27years
No. 4
Posted on Fri 27th May, 2011 15:11:04 GMT by EMUKA DANIEL
The problem of employers of labour or adimission offering institutions is not grade its bc of too many people pursuing too few available vacancies. But my fellow polytechnic graduates dont boarder urselves am working towards getting a contact with international community who would need our services. meanwhile everybody should try as much as possible to be independent, "NO ONE GETS RICH BY EARNING WAGES". ANY ONE REJECTED DOES NOT REJECT HIMSELF. SAY TODAY I WILL MAKE IT. TO ALL POLYTECHNIC GRADUATES. NO ONE SAVOURS THE BITTER TEST OF REJECTION. OH! NIGERIA OUR COUNTRY...
No. 5
Posted on Fri 27th May, 2011 19:59:51 GMT by josiah
this is nonesense. two1 my foot.some olodos de get 1st class bt cnt show it on the job
No. 6
Posted on Fri 27th May, 2011 20:47:37 GMT by mabel
This is crap.what about the older dudes?
No. 7
Posted on Sat 28th May, 2011 09:12:35 GMT by Jendor
it is sad that up till now employers of labour have not realised that certificates cannot speak for themselves.most of these 2.1 graduates cannot defend what they have because they got them through illegal means.It is no longer news that you find 2.2 certificate holder displacing a first class graduate in an apptitude on example is of course a striking one when i displaced a chartered accountant with a first class from babcock university in acconting related questions apptitude body could believe it.pls do no that there are some brilliant 2.2 graduates .so change your stand of limiting the offer to just 2.1 its unfair
No. 8
Posted on Sat 28th May, 2011 11:16:01 GMT by Ogochukwu
Pls, i dont think its right limiting d older graduates from d oportunity of dis kind, candidates wil keep on backdating there age, and i dont a reason wy age should be one of d prequisites. thanks
No. 9
Posted on Sat 28th May, 2011 11:44:41 GMT by mark
try polytecnics graduate and you will not regrate it
No. 10
Posted on Sat 28th May, 2011 12:37:18 GMT by SOCHIMA
This is not fair,y will u say 2:1 only wen we have capable hands dan dat
No. 11
Posted on Sun 29th May, 2011 06:50:46 GMT by shiopolole
what will those that are 30 and above do? should they kill themselves because they went to school at a later age? fuck that shit and wake up to reality
No. 12
Posted on Sun 29th May, 2011 07:29:26 GMT by Mr James Bond
The corresponedence email attached to this job has failed to be delivered. Please is it correct?
No. 13
Posted on Sun 29th May, 2011 14:52:41 GMT by Uchenna Ndukwe
I really appreciate KPMG in her view to providing career opportunities to young gradutes. But, limiting it to 2.1 holders wouldnât be of help because a lot of 2.2 holders suffered one thing or the other to settle at 2.2. Pls extend the offer to 2.2 holders. Thanks.
No. 14
Posted on Sun 29th May, 2011 21:24:04 GMT by Oty
You guys r doing these bcause of unemployment, u better try polytechnic graduates.
No. 15
Posted on Sun 29th May, 2011 22:39:11 GMT by amaka
y this syndrome of 2.1 in our society it dat those 2.2 did not go to school? pls if want provide career opportunities for young graduates pls do. there are 2.2 holders that more capable than 2.1s who bought their result through illegal way those people cannot defend their result.
No. 16
Posted on Mon 30th May, 2011 06:30:44 GMT by Treasure
I belong to d class of d God kind...1st class or 2nd doesn't matter at all!
No. 17
Posted on Mon 30th May, 2011 06:31:11 GMT by Treasure
I belong to d class of d God kind...1st class or 2nd doesn't matter at all!
No. 18
Posted on Mon 30th May, 2011 09:09:10 GMT by ope
This opportunities should be opened to HND graduates to because we all went through the same stess that B.Sc went tru.Pls, let HND holders be considered for the september class.GOD bless u
No. 19
Posted on Mon 30th May, 2011 11:28:06 GMT by danny
its quite appaulling that employers of labour have not realized they will never get the best hands with this their 2:1 syndrome.i beleive in givin all graduates a levelled playing ground to prove their abilities.
No. 20
Posted on Mon 30th May, 2011 16:02:32 GMT by kelly
I dnt expect company like KPMG 2 be talking about grade bcos many things determine the grade of the students or graduate. call pple 4 test inrespectful of grade and let them prove their certificate and the so called grade then,u shall neva rely on grade to determine who is who.Thanks.
No. 21
Posted on Tue 31st May, 2011 09:53:50 GMT by Asifu Toyin
Nowadays money buy grade
No. 22
Posted on Tue 31st May, 2011 12:55:32 GMT by Shiggo
Hmnn! (sigh)
Now i see why employers peg their cut-off grade at 2:1. Virtually everybody that commented on this thread made one blunder or the other (either grammatical, spelling, dictional or complete lack of sense and logic). So how do we prove the employers wrong? SMH for the future of 9ja!
No. 23
Posted on Wed 01st Jun, 2011 04:46:04 GMT by the FUTURIST
@ Shiggo very!
No. 24
Posted on Wed 01st Jun, 2011 06:33:22 GMT by Balogun Gbenga Tunde
It will be nice if it can be extended to the holder of 2.2 at least.
No. 25
Posted on Wed 01st Jun, 2011 16:19:57 GMT by kim kard
there's still no jusification for the age limit. with the number of university strikes in this country, very few graduate @ 26. Then you have to do NYSC and for the lawyers, law school and maybe even a masters degree. a 26 year age limit is just so unrealistic and only pushes ppl to procure fake birth certificates readily available anywhere these days. Please reconsider!
No. 26
Posted on Fri 03rd Jun, 2011 13:22:04 GMT by Leo
@ Shiggo
My thoughts exactly! I haven't had a better laugh in years. I mean come on people
No. 27
Posted on Sat 04th Jun, 2011 03:00:03 GMT by Me
Quite funny all of u..
No. 28
Posted on Sat 04th Jun, 2011 07:38:10 GMT by adeyemi festus
pls kindly give us 6days grace sir/ma
No. 29
Posted on Fri 10th Jun, 2011 08:14:53 GMT by u
let's face reality, people and look for other opportunities. that you've beencut off because you are a poly grad, you don't have a 2.1, or you're above 26 does not spell the end of life. i think they do it because they want to reduce the number of applicants. it's really not their fault but that of our government. if things were set right, good policies, constant power supply, etc, we'd have more investors and hence, more jobs would be created. i believe that when this is done, what would matter is just what you can do and not your certificate or age. before that, let's advise those coming after us to put their all into their studiesso they'll come out with a 2.1 and maybe gain admission into universities and also to start real early. it's the reality!
No. 30
Posted on Fri 10th Jun, 2011 08:17:23 GMT by u
and thre's yhe issue of tribalism. even when you get interviewde, you can't be sure your interviewer will not fail because you're not his tribe. that's naija 4 u
No. 31
Posted on Wed 29th Jun, 2011 22:55:46 GMT by T
@Shiggo, u are so right, i mean see the majority of these peeps complaining about the unfairness of KPMG, that most 2.1 graduates cant defend what they've got.... tell me, according to these their comments (Grammar), are they employable?
No. 32
Posted on Thu 08th Sep, 2011 11:11:09 GMT by jb
please dont let us be self is by grace of God u r who u r.KPMG is 1 out of many Gud companies.Though, there are many cases surrounding 2.1 or 2.2.But all the same,if you can defend it dat is Gud and if u cant nemesis will surely sets in.and @ Shigo,the grammarian,No 1 is perfect interm of grammar as there are various school of taught as far as grammar is concerned. So, which every1 best of luck
No. 33
Posted on Thu 08th Sep, 2011 16:18:28 GMT by Olukoya Oludotun
I think its a reward for 4-5 years of effective study for excellence.