Federal University, Dustin-ma - This is to invite all qualified and interested candidates to apply for either the Preliminary or Remedial Programmes of the School of General and Preliminary Studies (SOGAPS), Federal University Dutsinma for the 2017/2018 admission.
Application Form & Screening Schedule for 2017/2018 Admission Session
Available Programmes
Preliminary studies
Remedial Studies
Objectives of the School
Offer Pre-degree training for Preliminary students in Science, Arts and Social Sciences courses;
Offer training for Remedial students to remedy their ‘O’ level deficiency;
Assist SOGAPS students to gain admission direct into 100 level in Federal University Dutsinma; and
Make SOGAPS Students familiar with University system.
For Preliminary Studies:
A candidate should possess atleast five (5) credits in Eng, Maths, and three subjects in any of the following courses: Science/Arts and Social Sciences courses.
For Remedial Studies:
A candidate should possess at least three (3) credits in any of the following courses: Science/Arts and Social Sciences subjects.
All candidates, both Preliminary & Remedial are to note that the screening exercise is for character, as well as for academic and bio-data credentials.
Screening Schedule
Screening Date: Monday, 18th - Sartuday, 23rd September, 2017.
Venue: FUDMA Take-off Campus
Time: From 8:00am to 6:00pm
Screening Requirements
After effecting payment for the online application form, candidates are to come along to the venue and on the screening with the following:
Bank Payment Slip as evidence (Original & Photocopies) Write your GSM No. on top
Payment Receipt from Bursary Department (Original & Photocopy)
Originals and photocopies of O’ level results
Note: Candidates without the above items will not be allowed to participate in the screening exercise.
Application Closing Date
14th September, 2017.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should: Click Here to Start Application
Application Procedure
Fill and submit the "Application Form".
A "Payment Transaction Slip" is generated for you. On it, you will find your unique Transaction ID for making payments, as well as your Application Form Number.
Print a copy of your Payment Transaction Slip, and proceed to pay a non-refundable fee of N5,300 (Five thousand, three hundred naira only) using the payment procedure highlighted below
Click on the ‘PAY A FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY’ box which redirects you to a new page
On the ‘Name of Service/Purpose’, click on the drop box and select ‘SOGAPS Application Form’ option.
On the ‘Description’ box type ‘SOGAPS Application Form’
On the ‘Amount to pay’ a non-refundable fee of five thousand three hundred naira (N5,300.00) only
On the purpose box type ‘SOGAPS Application Form’, complete the form and print. Proceed to any of the commercial banks and make payments through remita.
Candidates are advised to come along with the printed Transaction ID from the portal and evidence of payment from the bank for presentation to the University’s Bursary Department for collection of the University receipt on the screening exercise date.
Return to the Portal here after collection of receipt, enter your Application Form Number and email address to continue your application.
Complete and submit the full application form with accurate data.
Bank draft and cash payment will not be accepted
Bags will not be allowed on campus beyond the security check point at the gate.
Please for enquiries and/complaints send an email to: info@fudutsinma.edu.ng or call/text to 08122237832
Regularly check our website: http://www.fudutsinma.edu.ng for up-to-date information regarding your admission status.