Mercy Corps has been present in Nigeria since 2012, focusing its interventions on women’s empowerment, economic development and conflict mitigation. With the insurgency spilling over from the north east of Nigeria and causing displacement of thousands of individuals, Mercy Corps interventions in Nigeria are implemented in a conflict and gender sensitive manner.
The Operations department is committed to implementing and maintaining the highest standards of efficiency and integrity in the logistics and purchasing of goods and services for country office in Abuja, Nigeria. The overriding objective for all Mercy Corps procurement and logistics activities are the prompt and effective provision of procurement and logistical solutions as well materials and services to Mercy Corps’ beneficiary populations in compliance with Mercy Corps’ and donor policies, procedures, regulations and specifications.
We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:
Job Title: EOI for Digital Blue Collar Jobs
Location: Lagos
Program / Department Summary
Mercy Corps is powered by the belief that a better world is possible. Across the more than 40 countries in which we operate, we’re working to address root causes of poverty head on, and helping those caught in crisis not only meet their immediate needs, but build a brighter future.
In taking on these challenges, Mercy Corps does not act alone nor are we satisfied with business as usual. In our work, we strive to innovate for greater impact - often through increased take-up of technology and investment in market-driven models.
In our work, we see technology as an enabler to improve scale, access, efficiency, engagement, and effectiveness in our global work.
Youth Empowered for Success (YES!) is a partnership with The Coca-Cola Africa Foundation (TCCAF) and Harambee which seeks to enhance employment for 25,000 young people in six African countries by 2018, and 500,000 by 2022. Mercy Corps is the lead implementer in Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tunisia.
The program has three workstreams:
Core YES! Model: Localizing the YES! model in 6 countries to improve the employment and entrepreneurship of 11,000 youth.
Innovation and Digital: YES! drives innovation in youth employment in Africa, reaching 14,000 youth through sustainable business solutions
Thought leadership: Research and learning on youth economic empowerment in Africa, building an evidence base enabling partnerships to scale to reach 500,000
Under the Innovation & Digital workstream, YES! seeks to support business initiatives which can sustainable scale to impact youth employment. It has two desire outcomes:
Services that enhance youth employment & entrepreneurship are available through sustainable business models
Participating youth have improved employment and entrepreneurship.
Eligibility Criteria
Expressions of Interest are sought only from institutions that:
Are Nigerian-registered institutions, either NGOs or companies, in operation for at least 18 months.
Have a track record in the connection of youth in blue collar work to employment, and are ready to move from pilot into scale phase
Have a clear proposal for how technology will help them to achieve scale,
Can reach at least 500 youth within 9 months
Have a demonstrated commitment to the social values and impact of the initiative.
Applicants must be operating in Lagos
Application Closing Date
25th July, 2017.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Expression of Interest along with other relevant supporting documentations to: Subject for the email should clearly state "EOI for Digital Blue Collar Jobs"
Submissions after the closing date will not be taken into consideration.
All applications must include the position title in the subject line.
Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
We are an equal opportunity organization and we strongly encourage women to apply for this position.