Save the Children is the leading independent organization for children in need, with programs in over 120 countries, including the United States. We aim to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives by improving their health, education and economic opportunities. In times of acute crisis, we mobilize rapid assistance to help children recover from the effects of war, conflict and natural disasters. Each year, we and our partners reach millions of children in communities around the world. Join our dedicated and diverse staff in their work to improve the well-being of children everywhere.
We are recruiting to fill the vacant position below:
Job Title: Policy Specialist
Location: Abuja, Nigeria Role Purpose
The role of the policy and stakeholder engagement specialist is to provide technical support to the National social investment programme (SIP) team on policy analysis, new Programme development, advocacy initiatives, strategy development and pro-poor governance agenda in the delivery of basic social services with focus on improving quality, efficiency, equity, access and sustainability to Services that will positively impact on the life of the people children especially.
Advocacy is central to achieving our ambitious goals for children globally. Generating and marshalling evidence, including from existing programme experiences; advocating with policy makers and decision makers; generating political pressure and fostering an enabling environment through public mobilisation; and using media to amplify our messages are all essential parts of our influencing ‘toolkit’. Used well, they can lead to changes in policy and practice by governments and other actors that have lasting benefits for children, on a much bigger scale than what we can achieve through our direct programme activities.
This role is not rooted in a thematic specialism, but in leadership and expertise in influencing policy and practice through synergized advocacy and popular mobilization.
The role will be located in Abuja with frequent support to other states where the federal government is implementing the social protection programmes.
Job Summary
The Policy and stakeholder engagement specialist will provide technical policy direction on child poverty in the design and implementation of the national social protection programme using evidence from existing child poverty programmes particularly the CDGP.
She/he will provide leadership in developing social protection advocacy related issues to fit into DFID and SCI’s advocacy and campaign strategy. S/he will also coordinate relationships with partners towards advancement of DFID and SCI’s social protection targets.
The policy and stakeholder engagement specialist will provide support in the development of strategies to address key governance and accountability challenges in the country with particular focus to social protection.
S/he will support the team to come up with systems and tools that will monitor the implementation of government’s plans and budgets.
The specialist will lead on key analysis and research of identified child-poverty issues in the country and produce documents and reports to ensure management of such knowledge.
Specific Responsibilities Include:
Provide technical support in reviewing government policies and budgets with particular reference to Social Protection.
Provide support to the social protection team in forming strong alliance with identified stakeholders.
Provide technical support in the design, development and implantation of identified child-poverty strategies in the National social protection programmes.
Provide leadership in the integration of good practices from other child-poverty programmes into the new National social protection programmes.
Create strong linkages with other government child poverty units /departments and, development partners to develop strategies and plans for the National social Investment programmes.
Direct the development and maintenance of sustained Partnerships and Alliances with Civil Society organizations, media and other partners to advance SCI’s /DFID child-poverty targets.
Provide leadership in mobilization and capacity building of popular mass movements across Nigeria on issues of SIP.
Keep abreast with new researches and policies on social protection advocacy related issues across the country and internationally.
Prepare advocacy materials to facilitate the advancement of the SIP targets
Consolidate and share learning and knowledge generated on child-poverty advocacy related issues.
Mainstream discussion and implementation of National Health Act and social insurance into Government Social Protection plan and implementation.
Key Relationships
The post holder will work directly with the special advisor to the president on social investment.
H/she will have to report to both the special advisor and also National Programme Manager CDGP.
H/she will maintain a close working relationship with all the coordinators of the social investment programmes in the country. S/he should also maintain a close relationship with the CDGP team both at national and state level.
He/she will also liaise frequently with DFID programme supervisor
Qualifications Skills & Experience
General Skills:
The post holder will possess a high degree of analytical skill, political acumen, ability to facilitate change, ability to influence, and ability to communicate key advocacy messages effectively and convincingly to a diverse audience at local, national and international levels.
Post Graduate degree in any social science field.
10 years substantial experience in advocacy and policy development / research in the development context.
Good knowledge and understanding of inter governmental and multiple stakeholder relationship at Federal, State and Local levels
Good understanding of the possibilities and tactics for influencing decision and policy makers, politicians, donors, and other key actors.
Knowledge of the media and its role in raising awareness and shaping public policy.
Good understanding of strategies for achieving sustainable policies through participatory processes, and the links with gender, diversity and other aspects of identity.
Excellent conceptual and analytical skills and demonstrable ability to think strategically, innovatively and practically to ensure achievement of desired change objectives.
Ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of audiences at local, national and international levels.
Ability to build and maintain relationships with partner agencies and key contacts in the government, NGO, civil society and media sectors.
Strong organizational skills and ability to effectively handle multiple tasks and meet strict deadlines.
Excellent interpersonal skills, flexibility, adaptability and ability to work effectively as a member of a team.
Ability to travel extensively both within and outside the country.
Good computer skills (word processing, spreadsheets, email / internet).
Fluent English language skills (written and verbal).
Commitment to the values, mission, aims and policies of Save the Children.
Skills in working with civil society and media towards promoting voice and accountability
Experience in training facilitation techniques and influencing tactics.
Prior work experience in advocacy in Nigeria.
Knowledge of the policies, functions, structures and decision-making processes of key national institutions in Nigeria with regard to child poverty and Social protection.
Experience working with children will be an added advantage.